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Activities of "Abhishek_Sharma"

Hi Support,

I'm Abhishek and i'm working on ABP Commercial Microservice Template

I have a requirement

  1. Create account that is done,
  2. Once account is created user get Confirmation Email in their inbox,
  3. Once user click on email confirmation link he just redirect to Auth server where we have Email Confirmation method working,

Now what I need that I need that user to login in this method Login is completed with Password Less Authentication and user is logged in Auth server and what I need is I need to redirect back That User in Angular with logged in state,

So I'm Confused at this point that how do I set my return URL and where do I set , How do I redirect back that user from my SSO to Angular How do I attach return URL once user is successfully login.

How can be redirect to angular with user auto login after confirm email????

I hope someone help me asap as I'm really looking solution for this on a priority.

Thanks. :)

I am facing following issue a) Unable to add below dependency injection in MenuController.

public class MenuController : AbpController, IDataMenuAppService { private readonly IDataMenuAppService _dataMenuAppService;

public MenuController(IDataMenuAppService dataMenuAppService)
   _dataMenuAppService = dataMenuAppService;

} b) Unable to generate proxies in csharp.

On server side :-

  1. I have created interface IDataMenuAppService

Hello Team,

Could you please help us we are not able to login. We are getting 400 error response in microservice template while login with web public. Please check this below screenshots for your reference.

  • ABP Framework version: 7 **Template **Microservice
  • UI type: Angular / MVC
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes

I am new in ABP Framework I just need to deploy my microservice template into azure kubernetes as I have not that much idea on Azure side as well can anyone help me to deploy my Microservice angular template and auth server as I have spend more then 2+ weeks in this, This is the place I need help how to host.

I have already created my Microservise Database in Azure need help on next step that how to create pods and nodes, and how to push docker local image to azure.

Abp cli is installed successfully but there is an error 'abp' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 13, 2025, 06:09