Hello hardeep.singh,
Could you give more details on your question and outline the steps needed for reproducing it?
Can you try with postman because Sorting is a query parameter. i am not able to reproduce the issue at my end.
?sorting=id desc&skipCount=0
can you send me a screenshot of you javascript code how you are calling the api and a network request screnshot?
You may try like this for sorting value ->
sorting: "id DESC"
Ok let me check and revert you soon.
Could you please share that error message in English?
You can create and configure "http-error-handler.ts" file.
Hi, could you please check this -> https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/UI/Angular/HTTP-Requests?&_ga=2.220204440.1400792527.1689928654-2052240292.1653998950#http-error-handling