Hi, can you check your production environment settings are correct or not?
You can open the Environment.js and check the prod section. Please, ensure your apiUrl and issuer is correct and point to the backend server on production.
Hi @LinchArnold, we've created an internal issue (#9763) for this problem and will fix it asap. Therefore, I close the question.
Best regards.
Hi @adrianl, this was a known problem and fixed in the v5.2 version. You can upgrade your project to v5.2 and try it.
There is only one restriction for now, after renaming the role you need to re-login.
We've also created an issue (#8620) for this restriction and aim to fix it in v6.0.
Hi @Mikael, I close the question since we've created an internal issue for this problem and will take the necessary action for it. Thanks for reporting the problem.
Best regards.
Hi @cezary.bojko, is your problem resolved? Can we close the question?
Hi, v5.1 was a minor feature release and there were not any breaking changes except for the Angular UI upgrade (ABP v5.1 startup templates use Angular 13). Therefore, we didn't write any migration guide for v5.0 to v5.1 upgrade.
You can read the ABP.IO Platform v5.1 Has Been Released blog post to see what's new in v5.1.
Best regards.
Hi, I suggest you to upgrade version by version to prevent possible problems.
yes it worked, thank you very much.
but I don't understand how come it get changed after the upgrade.
There was a bundling problem in the previous release and we suggested renaming the flag-icons.min.css as flag-icon.min.css, and with the stable version, we've fixed this bundling problem. So we had to revert this change to the stable version.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I close the question since your problem is resolved. Best Regards.
Hi, I guess you have libs\flag-icon-css\css\flag-icon.min.css file instead of libs\flag-icon-css\css\flag-icons.min.css (filename should be plural). So please rename it and then re-run the application.
Hi, you can override any page provided by ABP modules easily. You can simply override any page/class by creating the same file under the same path.
You can read the ASP.NET Core (MVC / Razor Pages) User Interface Customization Guide to learn more.
Also, there is a complete example to show how you can override the Login Page. You can check it here.