By the suite I had generated a crud page.
I create a lookup navigation with type "Modal" but the source code is always for "TypeAhead"
How to create a pick up modal?
We have the same problem.
I receive this message when compiling:
Gravità Codice Descrizione Progetto File Riga Stato eliminazione Errore (attivo) NU1301 Non è possibile caricare l'indice del servizio per l'origine Volo.EasyCrm.Domain.Shared, Volo.EasyCrm.Domain.Shared, Volo.EasyCrm.Domain.Shared, Volo.EasyCrm.Domain.Shared, Volo.EasyCrm.Domain.Shared C:\ABP\EasyCRM\aspnet-core\src\Volo.EasyCrm.Domain.Shared\Volo.EasyCrm.Domain.Shared.csproj 1
Is NuGet server down?
Do you have an estimated time to solve this issue?
With abp bundle command the reply is:
Unsupported project type. Project type must be Microsoft.NET.Sdk.BlazorWebAssembly. Our Project is Blazor Web UI
Hi Anjali,
this solutions works but do not apply the standard CSS Isolation of Asp.Net Core.
How can we use the standard ASP.NET Core metodology?
I have created the the CSS file with the default standard of Asp.Net Core. Like this:
I added the <link href="{ASSEMBLY NAME}.styles.css" rel="stylesheet"> tag in the HEAD Tag of app.razor
The CSS file does not be linked during the runtime.
How can i use the CSS Isolation of .net 8?
I haven't understand how to do this.
Do you have an example code of something similar?
Hi, we have this issue:
We generated and entity entity "DASHBOARD" throught the ABP Suite
The crud page work right on the first opening, like this image:
If i click again on the menu DASHBOARD the "export to excel" button and the "+ new dashboard" button disappear.
If i change to the menu HOME and go back to the page DASHBOARD it restart working. If i click on the menu DASHBOARD when i'm already in the page DASHBOARD the action "export to excel" and the "+ new dashboard" disappear again.
How to solve this?