Activities of "FrancoisLabelle"


Version 6.0.0 (final release) is OK... well... after a second try. I have updated CLI to 6.0.0 and Suite to 6.0.0, started it... and I got errors while trying to update packages.

2022-10-06 11:08:11.223 -04:00 [ERR] Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source') System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source') at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument) at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetFirst[TSource](IEnumerable1 source, Func2 predicate, Boolean& found) at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable1 source, Func2 predicate) at Volo.Abp.Cli.ProjectModification.VoloNugetPackagesVersionUpdater.GetLatestVersionFromMyGet(String packageId) in D:\ci\Jenkins\workspace\abp-commercial-release

I closed everything... deleted the suite.dll in my %temp% folder (because I had issues with this previously)... started ABP Suite and proceed to update... Then, everything went well, fast, and without any update of unwanted folders...


The version 6.6.0-rtc.5 is not really better. Well, not yet fully tested I guess...

Packages update is working from the main page. But, when you click on solution and goes the the "crud page"...

  1. The Update menu is not the same. We miss the "switch to xxx " menu items.
  2. If you launch the "update all packages", you will get the famous "An internal error has occurred"

The underlying error is path related. Let's say you have started abp-suite in a command prompt while being in a folder named C:\MyFolder, then, the error message will tell this: ERR] Could not find a part of the path 'c:\MyFolder\MySolutionName'. System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'c:\MyFolder\MySolutionName'.

Again, it makes no sense !?!? Why appending the "startup folder" of abp-suite to the selected solution name... when you already have the full path of the solution selected (in my case, C:\Sources\MySolutionName). ?!?!?

Also, with 5.3.4 and 6 rc5, I recurrently have this error

ERR] The file 'C:\Users\flabelle\AppData\Local\Temp\Suite.dll' already exists. System.IO.IOException: The file 'C:\Users\flabelle\AppData\Local\Temp\Suite.dll' already exists. at System.IO.FileSystem.CopyFile(String sourceFullPath, String destFullPath, Boolean overwrite) at System.IO.File.Copy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite) at System.IO.File.Copy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName) at Volo.Abp.Suite.Areas.AbpSuite.CrudPageGenerator.Services.SuiteAssemblyService.B6vUUTF0OS(String )

... Then I close Abp-suite, delete the suite.dll in the temp folder, and restart from scratch. Annoying !

  • ABP Framework version: v5.3.4, ABP Suite
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"
  1. Start abp-suite
  2. Add an existing solution, eg. C:\Sources\ABigProject\ThBigSolution.sln
  3. Return to the main screen
  4. Click on the arrow beside the version number of the solution (for the solution just added)
  5. Click on Update NPM packages...

For an unknown reason, there is a recursive search for files/folders that goes OUT of the expected selected solution folder...

I understand that searching subfolders below is just normal... (E.g. C:\Sources\MyMainProject* )

But, how could you go one folder UP and do a recursive search OUTSIDE of the selected one ?!?!?! ( E.g. C:\Sources* !!!!) It makes no sense at all !!! How can this be a good idea ? You will ending up updating other projects that no one asked you to update (or never figured it will) !!! Let's image how many updates will be done if someone, like me, has unziped all the samples projects, downloaded all modules source code, has made a lot of "test projects" as proof of concepts, has made backup of the main project, etc !!!

I have this issue since a long time... That is not a new bug. can't understand how no one has complained about it yet. That should have been noticed and fixed a long time ago !

That's a major issue. Please, make sure this is fixed soon and that will never occur again.

After waiting almost an hour... a message is displaying "The xxx solutions is updated !" Well, that is not true... because ALL solutions are updated.



Do you have any plan to improve the search feature on the community web site ?

There are plenty of good and useful posts, but without a search engine worthy of the name, the site loses much of its value.

If I key in 3 words in the search, especially if I used the word "to", I don't want to see all posts having one of my 3 words in the title...that's counter intuitive. I want the one having the 3 words firsts... then the ones with a combination of two of them... and so one...

I've tried using double quotes syntax ( "my three words" ) or the plus sign syntax ( my + three + words ) or with named logical operators ( my AND three AND words) and it's all the same sh** results... Well, in facts, it's even worst using AND

The search engine is really better and powerful on the support web site, then why not use the same search engine for both ?!?!

Yes, I know, I can use google search with the option, but I think that the search available on the page should just be improved.


  • ABP Framework version: v5.3.2, Suite
  • UI type: Blazor
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
  • Exception message and stack trace: (see screenshot)
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"
  1. Using ABP Suite, create a new solution: Blazor, EFCore, Tiered: Yes
  2. In the module section, create a new module (MyNewModule) and wait... and wait... and wait...
    1. What can take so long ?!?!? Oh, yeah... the "super fast" yarn !!! 7 minutes run-time after the 20 seconds time taken to create the module ! But ?!?! Wait ! Where are the sub folders .\angular and .\hosts ?!?!? They got deleted ?!?!? This means that I had to wait 7 minutes for yarn to complete his tasks on projects/folder that got deleted at the end of the module creation process ?!?!? Come on ! Was this really needed ?!?!?
  3. in VS, load/reload solution, compile, run and make sur everything works until now. (Should be good at this point !)
  4. Add a new entity to the newly created module...
    1. Return to main screen and click "add an existing solution"
    2. Enter the path of the newly created module (a browse window would be nice here !)
    3. Add a new entity, with only one property and click save and generate (and be surprised of how fast it could be to generate almost 30 files in less than 2 seconds !!!)
    4. Try to compile and see all the errors...

After having struggled couples of minutes to find a work around, I had the idea to try something, add the "global::" prefix before the "namespace!" inside the the razor page and then I was able to compile the project without any error.

But, I'm not sure if it's a good thing and that we should do have to do this... Anyhow, ABP Suite needs a fix for this I think, right ?


Hello Albert,

I agree that string primary key is not the best approach, and I will not persist that way since the ABP framework does not fully support this.

But in our situation, it was useful to have a human readable key because the staff refers to this code amongst others system.

The plan was to first import the legacy records and then allow them to create new ones too. I was expecting to be able to avoid coding something "special" for it and be able to use the auto-generated pages from ABP Suite but we can't.

Sadly, the more I use ABP Suite, and the more I find this tools useless and very buggy. We had great hope in this tools to help us improve our development speed, but it clearly lacks some useful advance features and the overall quality of the tool is not equal to the quality of the ABP framework itself. Hopefully the framework is more stable. But, yes, it still a good startup point for basic stuff.


Hello Albert,

Actually, I tried with Blazor and EF Core. Tiered or not, that changes nothing. MVC or Angular, same thing also.

In facts, the main problem is that the primary key (Id) cannot be exposed by default in the CRUD page­. This should be made an option I think.

Id values are usually generated automatically. While it can make sense for GUID, INT and LONG, for string it makes no sense. Well, unless we could provide some kind of formula to autogenerate the Id... Another feature to add some day.

When the primary key type is string, then it makes no sense to not be able to present this field to the end user for the "add page".

But, actually, if you still do, then we cannot add a new entry because the insert will fail with a generic error message. Then, we can say that the provided application is not working.

So, I'm not sure why you have offered this type (string) without really supporting it ?!?!?

We might find this "unfinished feature" useful in some specific situations, but not in ours

At least, the documentation should make this clear that this type is not fully supported and that this feature is meant to... (?!?!)....


ABP Suite Version : 5.3.2

If you create a new entity with a primary key type of string, the generate CRUD pages does not work (the Add New page, at least in Razor mode).

The ID field is not displayed, so, the value cannot be entered and error occurs when you try to save, of course.

(The default size should be asked/entered because the default of 450 seems way too big, especially for a primary key. )

If you create records in background (directly in the DB), the update/delete feature works at least.

  • many-to-many with supporting custom properties in intermediate tables and wilth fully support on abp.suite
  • many-to-many UI with generated grids with related entity with options "New", "Update", "Link", "Unlink", "Delete" - example how it

Of course we need this !!!

In my humble opinion, it is like a standard basic feature that is missing. Almost all applications needs this, being able to add child records with multiple values/columns. And most, if not all, application template builder from the past 25 years has this kind of features. I'm really surprised that this is not already there in ABP Suite.

  • Actual 1-to-many or many-to-many feature should allow us, at least, to choose more than one field to be the "display property". We should be able to order them and pick the separator characte. Being able to enter something like a "format template", instead of a drop down list, would be good: E.g. {Name} - {Value} (Comments).

  • ID should be one of the available field to be picked as Display Property, especially if you choose it to be something else than a GUID (meaning that it is human readable/usable).

  • When creating a 1-to-many relation, an option should allow us to create the reverse relation at the same time.

**BUG **! An external user can easily bypass the third party authentication, just by asking for a password reset and login back as a "internal user". (Note, disabling the internal user login feature is not something that we can do, we need and are using both kind of user login). To solve this bug ..... Improvements needed. .....

I'm not sure this is a bug, even using Twitter, if I use Google social external login. I also can change the password and send an email to reset the password.

Thanks liangshiwe, I will change my point of view and stop calling this a bug... But let's say it depends of the software you authenticate too and what is the purpose of the "alternate identity provider". In the Twitter situation, they want to give you the choice. In our situation, we want to force them to use the External Provider we choose as being the corporate one. So, ok, let's say is not a bug and we will have to alter the default behavior ourselves.

And I already seen some other platform asking to link "external" and "internal account" when I tried to authenticate using a third party (Facebook, Google, etc.) and had to decide if I want to switch my account. I also seen some other platform sending you to the "Microsoft forget password page" when you have used Microsoft account to login/register.

But, you're right and I agree, usually, must platform do not care about the way you log in. They maintain both the "Internal" and "external" login option and you can use both of them like you want.

But at least, let's consider this as a future development... a parameter that we could set that will prevent the external users to use the "classical login" and prevent password change. Until then, we will customize this for our needs. Thanks.

Showing 11 to 20 of 24 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13