Activities of "IanW"

@sraman, I think what you mean is to customize the "features" availablef or a tenant and then have only the features that are enabled to be displayed on the menu. Is this correct?

I recommend you instead do this in a normal API controller instead of an App service as you want to return a file rather than some wrapped ajax/json response - which is what the dynamic API part of ABP will do with the AppServices.

Here is an example returning and ICS file.

public FileResult ICS(Guid id)
    var appointment = _attendanceRepo.GetAllIncluding(c => c.CalendarEvent, d => d.CalendarEvent.OwnerCalendar.Owner).First(d => d.Id == id);

    string output = $"BEGIN:VCALENDAR" + rt +
        $"VERSION:2.0" + rt +
        $"BEGIN:VEVENT" + rt +
        $"UID: calendr-" + appointment.Id + rt +
        $"DTSTART:" + string.Format("{0:yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ}", appointment.CalendarEvent.Start) + rt +
        $"DTEND:" + string.Format("{0:yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ}", appointment.CalendarEvent.End) + rt +
        $"SUMMARY:" + appointment.CalendarEvent.EventName + " with " + appointment.CalendarEvent.OwnerCalendar.Owner.FullName + rt +
        $"LOCATION:" + appointment.CalendarEvent.Location + rt +
        $"END:VEVENT" + rt +
        $"END:VCALENDAR" + rt

    HttpResponseMessage result = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
    var stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(output ?? ""));
    result.Content = new StreamContent(stream);
    return File(stream, "text/ics", fileDownloadName: appointment.CalendarEvent.EventName + ".ics");


For better performance I can answer.

There is a concept of access patterns and it is especially important for any kind of lists of data you are displaying. Lists of data, for the large use case, should have the data itself clustered together on the database disk. This means having the clustered index (usually the primary key, but it can be changed) of one that is (TenantId, Id) which will force all data to be togethered on disk.

However, the other issue will be joins. If any of the data you are retrieving in the list requires data from other tables, it will be retrieving the data for each item in the list in the other tables one by one. So Ideally all of the data in the other tables that may be joined, is also physically close together - which means clustered on something related to the top level entity you are trying to list. TenantId may be enough is most cases, but if it is not an aggregate root, then perhaps something based on the FK to the top level entitiy.


Could you show your code please?

Hello Baslessi75,

You cannot use any functions which use the localtime of the machine, because when deploying to the cloud this could be different. I have personally witnessed this issue with my own projects too.

In general the guideline is that you manage everything in UTC until it is displayed to the user. This means using Javascript to detect the users timezone in the browser

There is a Blazor library that can also take care of this for you.

Hello @sunivycsm

Have you seen this guide?

@mahmut can you confirm which version of the frontend package this StatusCodeErrorHandlerService was introduced?

I understand.

The problem is right now you have 2 handlers registered. So as Mahmut said, instead you can now override the registered StatusCodeErrorHandlerService with your own.

Hello hossein_jalili,

I think you are missing the registrator of the handler.

There is some code to show how to do this in AppModule in the sample on that page.

  // ...
  providers: [
    // ...
    { provide: HTTP_ERROR_HANDLER, useValue: handleHttpErrors }
  declarations: [
export class AppModule {}

Could you make sure AppModule has this for me?


Tunkcay, is this the standard ABP commercial template that you are trying to run? How did this problem start? Was it working before you changed something?

I would first like to ask if a new solution has the same problem. After that we should try to compare the code differences.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 20, 2025, 07:44