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Activities of "Merna"

Hello, Thanks, it works fine.

Hello, I know this but is there a way to solve this one cause I have to use sql code to seed a specific contributor. Like is there a way to know if this contributor is executed by migrator or testing project or is there a way to avoid a specific contributor from execution in testing project??!

Hello liangshiwei, Sorry for late respose. I did apply change about setting LastModifiedId and works perfectly thanks. but yet didnt check on cms solution once I check it, I'll give feedback.

Hello Malik, Are there any updates?

Hello Malik, about your question, first time you will see data related to all cities but after searching 4 the first time you won't have the ability/option to get data related to all cities again (Except refreshing the page again).

when I tried to configure (select2==>data) in js it doesn't return the result of the api. so, if you have an example for handling this auto-complete select in js can you mention it.


Hello Malik, I think you got me wrong, what I want is to add an extra option that is not in the response of the api . like having an api to get cities but I need to add one more option to search by all cities. so, I need to access options after api responds and append this new option in the specific index if I can. Regards.

Hello , Here is the steps: 1- Add the custom validator in domain layer and its configurations 2- try to add new user from from administration (his phone number start with 0), but instead of getting phone number... msg ,it gets me "identity.Default"

here is the sample of a validation action called in validateAsync==>

Hello , Yes, I know I can use extra properties. But my question. Is there a way to customize it by using ModuleExtentionConfiguration (like I can customize SaaS module entities Tenant and Edition). In this way I'll be able to define the extra properties and framework will take care of adding them to the APIs and UI as well.

But for Cms module I can't find .Configuration or similar extension. There is generic .ConfigureModule extension but it requires the type ModuleExtensionConfiguration for the action. for example :

Hello , Any Updates?!

Hello , sorry for late response. I have created a new project using abp version 5.1 and create a small demo for this issue , https://jawda-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/merna_jawda_net/EZrt105-FLpAhhg5rNKxW8gBgy0H1-oKd4RlVX9OfhImzQ?e=KFxQTK

so my problem here is very simple : I want to prevent the created user with username (merna2) from requesting any page(log him out) once the admin deactivate or delete the account. so is there anyway to apply it.

Showing 1 to 10 of 19 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 17, 2025, 05:40