Activities of "Moyaoxiang"

Hi nhontran, As Issue 975 said, Angular uses JWT for authentication and cannot actively log out on the front end. Currently JWT is issued through Identity Server 4. Perhaps you can change the LifeTime of AccessToken in Identity Data Seeder. This is the documentation:

Hi jtallon, You can use the ConnectionStringName Attribute. e.g.

public class CommercialDemoDbContext : AbpDbContext<CommercialDemoDbContext>


Hi hamberg, Blazorise components do not support Guid and char types, so they cannot be selected for the Blazor template.

Hi cleverplatform, Can you provide the code for the entity Book?

Hi AndrewT, The roadmap for the commercial version is here, you can view it:

Hi @jtallon, You can refer to, I think only need to define ConnectionStrings--db-string.

Hi geoffro, Usually this problem is due to the wrong ContainerName or BLOB Key being specified. In my tests, this works fine. Please make sure the file is in the host or tenants path.

Hi mpvismer, File Management supports users to upload files. It uses FileDescriptor.Id as the key of the BLOB object, so you can use the Id to query the corresponding BLOB object for use.

Hi pontus, You only need to delete the app.UseUnitOfWork(); statement in BookStoreHttpApiHostModule. the reason: ABP will use AbpUowActionFilter to process work units by default. After adding middleware, it will use AbpUnitOfWorkMiddleware to create work units first. In AbpUowActionFilter, the original Exception was swallowed, and AbpUnitOfWorkMiddleware considered that no exception occurred, so the data was submitted to the database. I think this is a bug.

HI aidid, It depends on the role of the external API. If it is part of a business operation, it can be placed in the Domain Service.Due to the unreliability of the network, you may need to combine (Polly) to implement some strategies.

Showing 1 to 10 of 21 entries
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