Activities of ""

  • ABP Framework version: v7.3.3
  • UI Type: MVC and Angular
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

Hi Team,

I have two applications in MVC and Angular and I like my users to use below AuthServer page as:

  1. User landed on the AuthServer page
  2. Login by clicking on the login button (already there)
  3. Once the user is logged in, I want my user to be allowed to click on the Applications link (either MVC or Angular) to redirect
  4. The user lands on the application as pre-authenticated.

Currently, when the user lands on MVC, it does not show authenticated but asks to log in by clicking the login button.

How can I redirect my users to MVC app from AuthServer page as pre-authenticated?

Many thx, Navneet

ABP Suite most wanted feature has been implemented. Your custom code will not be overwritten anymore

This is Amazing addition to Suite. Well done ABP Team.

Can ABP team create a customisation sample for us to learn for-example adding collection/List to RootEntity, Domain Services, EFcore and Application Services and then regenerate based code

  1. Love to see if ABP Suite can generate separate pages for Create and Edit Model.
  2. When creating a new layered Application via ABP Suite, an option to add all UI (MVC, Blazor, Maui, Angler...) in one go, similar is already possible with Module but not with Application.
  3. Generate CRUD from Entity Classes


In your code suggestions what is the reason to use Ignore(), see below

Add automapper config:

CreateMap<OpenIddictApplication, ApplicationDto>() .ForMember(des=>des.Scopes,src =>src.Ignore()) .ForMember(des=>des.PostLogoutRedirectUris,src =>src.Ignore()) .ForMember(des=>des.RedirectUris,src =>src.Ignore());

So far I didn’t have success to configure user permission.

If any other user have manage to achieve it, then please share, otherwise all good to close this ticket

Regards Navneet

Thanks Liangshiwei,

Token was only one example, do I need to override any other controller to control the access of users to the application.

Regards, Navneet

Hi liangshiwei,

I have reviewed your code suggestion, however the authorisation logic does not work, to reproduce the issue:

Create a new user as: Username: password: 1q2w3E*

Create a new Application Go to OpenID -> Application Create new Application ClientID: DemoWebApp DisplayName: Demo App Client Secret: 1q2w3e* Select all Scopes Select Checkbox of "Allow Password Flow"

In postman, https://localhost:xxx/connect/token client_id: DemoWebApp client_secret:1q2w3e* scope:roles phone grant_type:password password:1q2w3E*

You will notice that, even though, application wasn't assigned to User, user is able to get access token, where as, desired outcome should be Access Denied

Could you please suggest, what can I do to get it work

Regards, Navneet

WOW you just blew my mind :-)

If you still have that project you created, could you please share with me by email.

Also, Instead of using my MainApp to create your suggested navigation, do you think, I can create in a ABP custom Module for above custom changes, then use it as plugin Module.

Request: Could you please explain how exactly your suggested code works?

Many thanks, Regards, Navneet

Sure, I will try to explain:-

My client has 20 users, and 4 Applications created via UI.

He don't want all users to access all 4 Application. He wants to assign users to application so that only allowed users can access.

In Nutshell, my client is looking a relation between Users and Application a N-2-N relationship.

Regards, Navneet

Many thanks liangshiwei,

The code you have suggested doesn't work in my case.

  1. I need to allocated multiple users to the application, that's why I was trying to application.AddOrUpdateProperty<IdentityUsers>

  2. I need to set permission in a way so that only selected users can access

Regards, Navneet

Can you use a minimum project to reproduce the problem and share it with me? I will check it

I have sent you the project by email

Regards, Navneet

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13