Activities of "Spospisil"

Here are the Payment API's listed from using the api-definition endpoint

Also, check out this endpoint.

HttpApi.Host https://localhost/api/abp/api-definition

It should have the Payment module APIs.

The only payment modules this api-definition endpoint details out are the Payment.Admin API's

I have a reference to Volo.Payment.HttpApiin my HttpApi project as shown below.

Have you depended on the module?

Yes, I do. See below


You're answer was misleading since the HttpApi project in my solution is not the https://localhost:44300 project but rather is the 'HttpApi.Host' project.

However, to answer your question, yes, I have a reference to Volo.Payment.HttpApiin my HttpApi project as shown below.

No answer from support. Will submit another ticket

Support unable to answer my question

Thanks for sending the links over that I have already read through previously. However you did not answer my question.

I am trying to utilize the 'application services' defined by the other modules (both pro and non pro) from my tiered MVC application, What do I need to set in my MVC application in order to call a ANOTHER modules ABP service directly from my module's C# and Javascript code?

I need a resolution to this asap.

Yes, it's an MVC Tiered solution, however your suggestion did not resolve the issue. Can you please explain how the payment application service can be called directly from the web projects code?

What I find a little odd is in you Volo.Payment.Application source you have 3 App Services defined for the Payment Module as shown below. However in the Volo.Payment.HttpAPI source there is a Gateway and Plan controller that essentially call the application services as shown above but you don't have a 'PaymentRequestController' in the HttpAPI project as shown below.

Why is that?

when I remove the 'DependsOn' attribute of 'LanguageManagement......Module' though I no longer get the error, however I will need to keep this in my module.

Showing 141 to 150 of 191 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30