Activities of "ademaygun"

Hi @maliming,

The code you provided worked, thank you very much for your support

yes, thanks for your attention

We've identified the source of the problem. We have an Nginx server in the DMZ, and other requests are also coming to this project. In the past, another Abp project with version 5.1.4 (IdentityServer) used to handle other requests, but it didn't throw any errors.

The request causing the error: (nginx access log) X.X.X.X - - [05/Sep/2023:16:07:47 +0300] "GET /swagger HTTP/1.1" 500 177 "https://[A.B.C.D]/" "Go-http-client/1.1"

X.X.X.X is our test server, which has Grafana installed and sends these requests.

Hi Maliming, The error is still occurring.Unfortunately, we cannot share the source code. If possible, can we meet via Google Meet? Can you share your Gmail address and your available time with us

Hi Anjali_Musmade, The same error is appearing in the logs every 2 seconds on its own. We've turned off Healthcheck, so it's not the cause. We've checked all of our URLs, and there doesn't appear to be any issue. We don't experience this problem in the test environment; it only occurs in the production environment

Hi, Even though await uow.CompleteAsync(); is being called, it is not performing any operation. In this case, I would expect it to write(commit) to the database or throw an error.

Hi @maliming ,

Have you considered using the in-memory database in the .net core framework instead of sqllite? If so, why didn't you choose it?

Hi, I need to call a remote service in a bg-job,How can I do that?

could you give more detail. thanks.

but we don't recommend you to do this

It worked successfully when RemoteService(IsEnabled = true) . Thanks. Well,can't proxy classes be used in domain layer? For example I would like to use it in a manager class. I know that I need to move these classes(contracts and interfaces) to the domain in order to use them in the domain layer.

My fault. builder.ConfigureSaas() method was being wrongly called at FirstEfCoreEntityExtensionMappings.cs. I noticed while trying to reproduce the steps. Many thank.

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