Activities of "ahmetfarukulu"


You can create a new module with abp new-module Acme.BookStore -t module:ddd. For more information, visit the CLI documentation. You can also watch this tutorial.

To create a project using an open-source template, you should add the --use-open-source-template argument. For example: abp new Acme.Bookstore -csf --use-open-source-template. For more information, visit the CLI documentation.

failed to load Swagger after creating new project with chat module.

It's fixed in the new version.

I have installed ABP Studio for the first time and wanted to add an existing solution. Nothing is displayed in the Solution Runner. Do I have to add the individual projects myself or should they be displayed automatically?

Yes, you should create a profile and add applications. You can follow running applications document.

And is there a possibility to show the application logs in the Studio? I mean, for example, the log file of the Blazor app.

You should add the Volo.Abp.Studio.Client.AspNetCore package to your application and include typeof(AbpStudioClientAspNetCoreModule) in your Blazor host module. For more information, you can inspect the monitoring applications documentation.


I've installed the new Studio CLI (without installing Studio). I use a private NuGet package library which requires authentication. When I run the CLI with any command, for example: abp help or abp login they throw a NuGet.Protocol.Core.Type.FatalProtocolException. I don't have this issue with the legacy CLI. ....



Changing ABP Suite versions may result in errors.
The steps are as follows:

  1. Open the suite,
  2. Close the suite,
  3. Change versions.

I created an issue about these problems, and it will be fixed in the next version. Thank you for your feedback.

With Abp Studio 0.74 I can't choose the preview version of abp. From Abp suite if I choose version 8.3.rc1 from the Abp suite menu and create a new solution it always creates it with the current version: Abp 8.2.1 If I manually install abp suite preview 8.3.rc1 the "Crate a new solution" button is no longer present.

How should I create a new solution with the preview version?

Hi, After creating your solution with latest version. You can use the Solution Explorer -> ABP CLI -> Switch to -> Preview.

Created a Master/Child project using ABP studio following your orders example from the screen shot produced in the Master entity link. The ABP studio latest version failed to create the detail record form or any part of it. Reverting back to abp suite 8.2.1 and completely uninstalling the latest version of studio ending in .4 and I am able to produce parent child data again. Also, ran into the infinite upgrade loop even after upgrading to latest version as mentioned by @MRBRL

ABP Studio is too painful to use because it breaks everything it touches.

Hi, ABP Studio uses the same ABP Suite application in the background so, problem probably related with ABP Suite version doesn't match with ABP Studio version. Currently, ABP Studio 0.7.4 works with ABP Suite 8.2.1 fine.

Hi Everyone, Have anyone got the issue with Hangfire after upgraded to 8.2? I had a problem with HttpApi Host when running this project with following error: Thanks, Dharma Han Nguyen

Thank you for the information we're gonna fix the problem next patch version.

after updated version to 0.6.8 Volo.Abp.Studio.Cli is broken

Can you remove the abpc.bat file from ABP Studio installation path such as C:\Program Files\Volosoft\ABP Studio.

it didn't work from swagger, then i looked at the permissions that comes from application-configuration endpoint, then i see that it doesn't have Tenant.Dashboard permission, afterwards, When i was looking at it i realised, code that is posted over here also in my case, it didn't have CurrentTenant.Change(eventData.Id). So that's why it couldn't give the correct permissions to the newly created admin user :)

Strange, because when you send the current tenant id with eventData.Id it should work as expected since PermissionDataSeeder already change the current tenant by eventData.Id. It's same for IdentityDataSeeder too. Also in my microservice example i didn't change the current tenant when execute the IDataSeeder.SeedAsync method.

Anyway, glad to see the problem fixed. Probably the problem is related to when you create the tenant; your tenant application didn't insert the related permissions into the AbpPermissions table.

i can see the user admin for the tenant in db. So don't think it is because of that.

If you can see the current user information from the application-configuration endpoint, authentication is successful. The authentication server also hasn't any exceptions, so that means you can use authenticated API requests. The problem is caused on the Angular side. To make sure of this, could you send a HTTP request from the Swagger UI?

Each project is dependent to this module like it is in microservice template.

Redis configuration looks correct. Are you experiencing the same issue when using the ABP microservice template?

Showing 11 to 20 of 32 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on October 11, 2024, 07:13