Activities of "akaziuka"



I debug the app, and it works.

Ok, I seem to have figured that out. I found a chunk of code in the HealthChecksBuilderExtensions.cs:

var healthChecksUiBuilder = services.AddHealthChecksUI(settings =>
            settings.AddHealthCheckEndpoint("_3M Health Status", $"http://{System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()}/health-status");

Whereas the right (default) value should have been this:

settings.AddHealthCheckEndpoint("_3M Health Status", healthCheckUrl);


  • The first option should make it work for a containerized environment + k8s (more about it here)
  • The 'default' value/option makes the solution run locally (if running/debugging the solution in the IDE)

It would be good for you guys to document it somewhere :)

It's strange. We never get such feedback.

  1. Can a new template project reproduce the problem on your computer?
  2. You can try your app on another computer
  3. You can try to use directly without abp to see if the same problem exists

I think it's probably an environmental problem.

I tried on multiple devices and all of them show the same behavior. Can you try this code on your end?

Ok, Can you share the full logs when your app started?

You can also change to https://localhost:44338/health-status and try again. : )

Tried that already and it didn't work. It picks up the machine hostname for some reason instead of the value from the config file. I just sent you the full log file to a specified address.


The default URL in appsettings.json is "HealthCheckUrl": "/health-status"

Can you try to keep it as it is?

As I said in the explanation, I didn't change/tweak the configuration. The current value is "HealthCheckUrl": "/health-status"


You can try:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args); 
    await builder.AddApplicationAsync<MyProjectNameWebPublicModule>(); 
    var app = builder.Build(); 
    await app.InitializeApplicationAsync(); 
    await app.RunAsync(); 
    return 0; 

This configuration worked (I saw from the logs it was initializing) but it didn't send transactions to Sentry. I got in contact with Sentry support, and theit support suggested making a change to appsettings,json to include "TracesSampleRate": "1.0" parameter. My config started looking like this: It worked like a charm. Thanks for the help.


Are there any error logs on the backend app?

The only error message I see in the backend is this: 2023-04-26 21:56:31 [01:56:31 INF] OpenIddict.Validation.AspNetCore was not authenticated. Failure message: An error occurred while authenticating the current request.

See more in the full log:!AtmlF7r3uFNtj7J8AlcWTvdp4Fp6aQ?e=VwBs9t


Please check the consoleAndAngularClientRootUrl, There is no BookStore_App in your appsettings.

That worked. I have fixed that part, rebuilt the solution and was able to login. At the same time, I see a large number of console errors (see the screenshot below). Could you suggest what might be the reason?


You can create a new project.

Theappsettings.json of DbMigrator

Hi. I did not change those parameters. It's not very clear why it stopped working. Could you take a look? deleted

Also, what web page are you referring to? Is it the ABP Suite interface? I had never seen a screen like that before.


Client validation failed because 'http://localhost:4200' was not a valid redirect_uri for _3M_App.

The request URI matched a server endpoint: Authorization. 
The authorization request was successfully extracted: { 
  "response_type": "code", 
  "client_id": "_3M_App", 
  "state": "aGJOeWhrUXZqN3pXYTFrcVRYRWpydzRwcW02WkdhUlJSaVlOdThOUjRsbUMy", 
  "redirect_uri": "http://localhost:4200", 
  "scope": "offline_access openid profile email phone _3M", 
  "code_challenge": "7dohmnVI2zU2qvJ6W0o2crV-UUr-EXRPil8l3_HJoYw", 
  "code_challenge_method": "S256", 
  "nonce": "aGJOeWhrUXZqN3pXYTFrcVRYRWpydzRwcW02WkdhUlJSaVlOdThOUjRsbUMy", 
  "culture": "en", 
  "ui-culture": "en" 
Client validation failed because 'http://localhost:4200' was not a valid redirect_uri for _3M_App. 
The authorization request was rejected because the redirect_uri was invalid: 'http://localhost:4200'. 

I see that. What's the valid redirect URL, then? How did it get mangled after the update?

Showing 1 to 10 of 17 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13