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Activities of "albert.ogbekhilu"

Hi muratdogan@hitit.edu.tr, You need to enable from the tenants, Administration > SAAS > Tenants There's a button Manage host features, you should be able to enable it from there, under the account tab

Hi maliming Thanks, I was able to add a new LdapExternalLoginProvider & override the NormalizeUserName() function to use cn instead uid & it works

One more question there's an Authenticate() function being called in the TryAuthenticateAsync() but it's not in the OpenLdapManager class, I think it's from the LdapManager class that is inherited by the OpenLdapManager, is there a way to see the source code for the Autheticate() function?

public override async Task<bool> TryAuthenticateAsync(string userName, string plainPassword)
            if (!await FeatureChecker.IsEnabledAsync(AccountFeature.EnableLdapLogin))
                Logger.LogWarning("Ldap login feature is not enabled!");
                return false;

            if (!await SettingProvider.IsTrueAsync(AccountSettingNames.EnableLdapLogin))
                Logger.LogWarning("Ldap login setting is not enabled!");
                return false;

            return LdapManager.Authenticate(NormalizeUserName(userName), plainPassword);

Okay thanks, to customize it, can I still follow the steps HERE which is from version 2.9 pr is there a diifferent documentation I can lookup?

Yes, I know, I was asking if the value base domain component has to be dc=domain or if it can just be domain?

For the domain component does it have to be structured as dc=abp or can I use just abp

I've supplied the necessary value but I'm getting the error below LdapException: Invalid Credentials (49) Invalid Credentials LdapException: Server Message: 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C090453, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v3839 LdapException: Matched DN:

The ldap credentials used are correct & have been tested with ldp.exe & telnet.

Please is there a way we can log values that are been used by OpenLdapManager?

Okay, thanks I found the settings, but I have some follow up questions,

  1. Whats base domain component
  2. Do I need to supply a username & password or is it optional
  3. Do I need to make any modification to the code or does it work out of the box
  4. This is not related to LDAP both is there a way to disable or override the errorHandling for the RestService globalyl, or do I have do it per api?
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