ooh sorry there's an ongoing issue on nuget.abp.io that must be the problem. can you try to install it in an hour. our team addressed the issue and fixing it...
You can test to download the NuGet package by downloading from the following URL
replace <your-api-key> with yours (it's in your NuGet.config file
you can also run this command to install Suite:
dotnet tool install -g Volo.Abp.Suite --add-source https://nuget.abp.io/<your-api-key>/v3/index.json
Suite is not served from nuget.org. It's hosted on nuget.abp.io
is it possible for you to send the entity.json file of your entity.
it's located in your solution's root folder under .suite\entities
this is not a good case for a domain event. you better create a ContactManager domain service.
public class ContactManager : DomainService, IContactManager
yes you can skip this issue.
just run the DbMigrator in Release mode.
Use CTRL + F5
for running.
you can use AddDataProtection
check out https://stackoverflow.com/a/51366568/1767482
Make sure both your Suite and your ABP versions are the same. As I see this looks like you are using the latest version of Suite.
thank you. I've created an issue https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/6272 closing this, you can track the GitHub issue.
EFCore is required because of these modules: Tenant Management, PermissionManagement, SettingManagement