Activities of "alper"

Answer can you tell us your frontend (mvc/angular) ? to remove languages, first you need to delete the languages in AbpLanguages table in your database, then you need to remove it from the DomainModule's ConfigureServices method.

talha, does this issue happen in the latest version?

Moved to


@DanielAndreasen I confirmed that changing password saves the plain pasword text. We have created an issue for this. Thanks or the feedback.

If you are upgrading from an older version of the ABP, you may see this exception. the new module “BlobStorage” needs a Blob Storage provider. Answer moved to

Further information see


@vrajasekaran as I see from the screenshot, it's trying to download the PRO nuget packages from the official But the PRO nuget packages are served from So you need to add a new NuGet source to Azure Pipelines, or copy your NuGet.config file to the Azure Pipelines.


@murat.yuceer Blazor code generation is under devlepment. It'll be usable in v4.0 can you create a new topic. this doesn't seem lke a bug. and many people are registed to this topic and gets unrelated email notifications.

yes but you need to add the dependencies with DependsOn attribute

@DanielAndreasen is it v3.1? (v3.3 will release tomorrow) is it Angular?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on November 11, 2024, 11:11