Activities of "alper"

hi the log says your settings for the email is invalid. The password field for the email account is encrypted in AbpSettings table or in the appsettings.json with the name Abp.Mailing.Smtp.Password

Also in debug mode the implementation of IEmailSender is being replaced by NullEmailSender which doesn't send email, only logs it.

You can encrypt your password with the IStringEncryptionService

I've got a feedback from the team. they are planning to create a community page where you can report bugs / features (votable)

in debug mode ABP doesn't send email, check your logs to see the email body.

if you don't want Suite create navigation property, it's easy to remove; edit this template Server.Entity.Partials.NavigationPropertyDefinition.txt and remove the marked row

I created a post about this topic

Hide FullScreen Item

you can simply hide the fullscreen item with the following jQuery command in a global JavaScript file.


or add a CSS in your global CSS file.

#btnFullscreen {

Layout Hook:

There are 4 locations you can render a component. You can create your side menu as ViewComponent and render in these locations. See the locations for HomePageLayout.cshtml

See also;


@wazbek thanks for the feedback. @mehmet will check the issue.

ABP Commercial repository is private, you can create a new ticket on this website to track your issue. Also here's the change logs for new versions

by the way, Suite MAC issue has been fixed, and you can try on the next version.

for the migration error; this occurs, if you reference AppUser in another entity. EF Core tries to map IdentityUser and AppUser to the same table (AbpUsers). this is not possible in EF Core...

See the following issue comment, there's an explanation for this case

@sean thank you for the feedback!

hi @sean, what I mean by "basic coding concepts", creating a repository and storing an incremental number in that repository is really not related with the framework.

We are trying to make full working samples to show you basics of the framework as new questions come, we will add more examples. On the other hand, we are not into claiming extra money to answer your questions. We are here to help you

I made a Gist to show you how to create sequential numbers.

When you see it, there's no framework related code.. Creating a domain service is as simple as below :)

public class SequentialNumberManager : DomainService, ISequentialNumberManager
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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30