Activities of "alper"


there's no other report in terms of security test. mostly the issues that occur in the final code that you write. So, you need to make a pentest on your final app.

and I created an article request based on your comments.

you can also open a new article request at

can you give concrete examples on this?

Example of what would have been useful to me:
Step by step instructions for a deployment to Azure. Including the correct setup of OpenIddict etc. Just in a way that you can run the WebApp (in my case with Blazor) securely afterwards. Also what is necessary to store the appsettings / connection strings securely (e.g. with environment variables).

My application is still in the test environment, but I have not yet managed to configure OpenIddict so that it works correctly. For example, I had to set "WEBSITE_LOAD_USER_PROFILE" to true to work around the problem, etc.

Since I don't have that much experience with OpenIddict and Azure yet, I have to gather all the necessary info in the forum.

yeah you're right, Openiddict and Azure configurations can be pain. But these are not direclty related with ABP. We are framework maintainers and this is more like DevOps topic. Anyway we started to write deployment documents. Check out

I see that most of the comments are abstract. To fine-tune our documentation and get started steps, we need concrete examples. Because for me it's very straightforward to kick-start a project. Imagine that you start a new scratch ASP.NET Core project with Docker, DevExpress, and Identity Server with a tiered architecture, would it be slaphappy?


ABP Suite overwrites the classes that it creates. So to overcome this, you can create partial classes with different filenames

We have found MANY times that the documentation DOES contain the answers to problems we face, but the information is not presented in a way that is obvious to people who are new to ABP.
One suggestion for improving the help would be to select a mid-level developer who has NO experience with ABP, and observe them (without helping) as they try to create a new project (do this do a different person for each 'type' of project). Document the things that cause problems and highlight those things better in the documentation. A related improvement would be to explain WHY certain things are done the way they are - once you understand the framework this becomes obvious, but when starting out many things can seem overly complicated when you do not understand why.

can you give concrete examples on this?

In the meantime you can rebuild your DB indices or add missing indices see

hi @enes,

in our tests, it loads very fast. but as I see, your DB fetch is much slower than our tests. I created an internal issue to improve this modal. we will make server-side paging on this modal and I hope it solves your slowness problem.

@gizem can you pls test this case?

I see that you have 52 users. This should be very fast. There might be something wrong with the DB indices.

Showing 171 to 180 of 1850 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30