Activities of "alper"

it's a log level that you can easily change on your application. you can search in your whole solution and change all the log levels.

@enisn is it related to bundles?

hi @jgrovert,

We'll try to reproduce it and get back to you

ok I found the reason. This happens when your ABP CLI version and the project version you are generating is different. In my case, ABP CLI is 7.0.0-rc.5 and I'm generating 6.0.2 project, this makes the error. Install ABP CLI 7.0.0-rc.5 and create a new rc.5 project.

update to the latest preview

dotnet tool update -g Volo.Abp.Cli --prerelease
abp suite update --preview

new project

abp new abptest7 --theme leptonx -ui blazor --version 7.0.0-rc.5 -csf

so keep the CLI and the project version same

Hey @swnke2, I'm checking it, and I confirm that I get this error here

assigned @enisn to your issue, and he'll write you about the solution.

on the other hand, don't worry about the trial expiration; we'll help you with that.

this is the default setup of the Logger. You can customize it according to your requirements. If your pen test tool raises it as a "low level security leak" you can change it in the src/TaajeerFinance.HttpApi.Host/Program.cs class. Set it to .MinimumLevel.Fatal() .

We cannot do it in the framework because it's not in the framework. It's in the application that you have generated.

@andmattia I think you should keep your several issues on a single thread. I see you have similar questions via email and each time the support team asks you new questions to understand your setup. please keep it in a single question so that we can help you better

ok I can confirm that refresh_token is not available right now. we'll respond you about this issue asap

ok. I'll check this

did you manage to find a way for this, or are you still waiting for assistance?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30