Activities of "alper"

can we close this ticket?

closing the issue. you can re-open if you still have a problem

Create the following DemoDataSeedContributor.cs in your Domain project. This is a sample class that seeds your DB with dummy editions, tenants, roles, users and organizations. This class implements IDataSeedContributor, therefore, DbMigrator will add the specified data to your DB.

You can find the class at

you have unlimited server deployment but I guess you are deploying it in debug mode. because license works only in debug mode

I've cleared all your computers even though you abused the license usage. Besides, you can re-open and write your feedback, there's no limitation on that.

you have used the license in 13 different computers that's why you get this error. we cleared your computer registrations. you can continue

why don't you use environment variables. ABP uses ASP.NET Core's standard configuration class and you can store connection string or any other appsettings.json configuration in several places. See

Suite comes with a new feature with 7.4 It will keep your custom code after regenerating your entity again.

there's not a formal way of adding a not existing item to the select2 component by ABP. It's a custom business logic. You can add a new button to enable users add new items. But this has nothing to do with ABP.

but I still don't understand why you need to run your project in Debug mode. it will work slower than a project built in Release mode.

You can use Environment variables as well to set your AbpLicenseCode. Just make sure the following code returns you the AbpLicenseCode correctly.

var configuration = Microsoft

var licenseCode = configuration["AbpLicenseCode"];

For more info about setting configurations, see 👉

Showing 51 to 60 of 1850 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30