we already created an issue ... is it MVC?
@serdar, which UI type? (mvc, angular, blazor, blazor-server)
I've created an internal issue (7241) for Chargebee
check out https://stackoverflow.com/a/62555240/1767482
the packages are being added as Chinese I'll check why this is being added as Chinese https://github.com/abpframework/abp/blob/dev/framework/src/Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Packages/Volo/Abp/AspNetCore/Mvc/UI/Packages/AbpAspNetCoreMvcUiPackagesModule.cs#L36
but when the client-side packages are being bundled current user's culture is added to the JS filename.
So it should be localized for the current user.
Check out
to disable tenant filter use ( https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Data-Filtering )
using (_dataFilter.Disable<IMultiTenant>())
return await _bookRepository.GetListAsync();
and as I understand you created Shop entity via Suite. If so you can write an overload method for GetListWithNavigationPropertiesAsync
so that you can pass null values to MaxResultCount
and SkipCount
Payment module supports the following gateways:
Only Stripe will support recurring billing with v4.4 (coming this week). First time getting a request for Chargebee integration. We can evaluate this
I've created an issue to improve search on Users and Tenants pages.
You can write a Seeder class to grant permission for all Roles.
There's a discussion page for ABP Framework. You can share your ideas on this page https://github.com/abpframework/abp/discussions/
if this occurs in the startup of Suite, delete the project from Suite window and add it again. because when you rename files and folders, Suite will have an invalid cache.
Maybe that's case-sensitive.
await _identityRoleRepository.InsertAsync(new IdentityRole( id: Guid.Parse("60353FF7-0F81-4DD5-AC1F-6F9559037720"), name: "RoleAbc", tenantId: Guid.Parse("d1be844b-d3a2-031a-f036-39f5d4380239")));
System.InvalidOperationException : Role ROLEABC does not exist!