so you need to make Address
entity non multi-tenant otherwise it'll not work as you expect
I keep this issue open
ok @gterdem will check the solution
this solution is same for MongoDB
I remember that it's fixed in 4.3.2
create a new dropdown crud page and check the diff so that you can update your typeahed to dropdown
you can add claims to the current user. see this code sample
do you see any error log on Chrome ?
verification email is being sent to the user. in debug mode, emails are not sent (see logs for the emails)
How come that these tabs are not accessible anymore?
I discovered now I cannot access them with my admin user:
I checked it but I couldn't see any logic to disable these tabs. The marked tabs are bootstrap dropdown toggles. Maybe this is not working in your browser. Can you try it on a different browser and send me the results?