Activities of "ash.jackson"

  • ABP Framework version: v7.3.3
  • UI Type: Angular
  • Database System: EF Core (Postgres)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes
  • Steps to reproduce the issue: Generate any CRUD page/entity with suite.


When suite is generating the angular UI, the parameter passed into the form in the case of creating a new entity is a string 'false' when it should be a boolean:

    this.form ={
      alwaysSplitPacks: [alwaysSplitPacks ?? 'true', []],
      serialNumbersAtGoodsIn: [serialNumbersAtGoodsIn ?? 'false', []],
      serialNumbersInStock: [serialNumbersInStock ?? 'false', []],
      scanSerialsAtGoodsOut: [scanSerialsAtGoodsOut ?? 'false', []],
      allowDuplicateExternalOrderId: [allowDuplicateExternalOrderId ?? 'false', []],
      handlingSpecification: [handlingSpecification ?? '100000', []],
      autoAllocationMethod: [autoAllocationMethod ?? '100000', []],
      clientAccountId: [clientAccountId ?? null, []],

This causes check boxes to be ticked, even when the value submitted is false.

When this form is submitted, the values saved are false.

The values supplied in the null coalescing operator need to respect the datatype of the entity field to be correctly reflected in the UI rather than all being cast to strings:

    this.form ={
      alwaysSplitPacks: [alwaysSplitPacks ?? true, []],
      serialNumbersAtGoodsIn: [serialNumbersAtGoodsIn ?? false, []],
      serialNumbersInStock: [serialNumbersInStock ?? false, []],
      scanSerialsAtGoodsOut: [scanSerialsAtGoodsOut ?? false, []],
      allowDuplicateExternalOrderId: [allowDuplicateExternalOrderId ?? false, []],
      handlingSpecification: [handlingSpecification ?? 100000, []],
      autoAllocationMethod: [autoAllocationMethod ?? 100000, []],
      clientAccountId: [clientAccountId ?? null, []],

Suite fails when generating angular front-end in microservice solution

Steps to produce:

  1. Create new microservice solution with abp new Test -t microservice-pro -u angular -csf
  2. Migrate databases and launch project
  3. Use suite to generate a new entity in the ProductService
  4. Observe suite produces a success message:
  5. Re-load the angular UI
  6. Observe the permission for the new entity is created, but no UI has been added.

I've reverted Cli and Suite to 7.3.3 and confirmed that this sequence works correctly in the previous version.

This is the suite log output showing the error:

2023-10-21 18:18:10.157 +01:00 [INF] 1/14 - EntityGenerateCommand started...
2023-10-21 18:18:12.449 +01:00 [INF] 1/14 - EntityGenerateCommand completed.                           | Duration: 2287 ms.
2023-10-21 18:18:12.449 +01:00 [INF] 2/14 - RepositoryCommand started...
2023-10-21 18:18:12.583 +01:00 [INF] 2/14 - RepositoryCommand completed.                               | Duration: 134 ms.
2023-10-21 18:18:12.583 +01:00 [INF] 3/14 - ManagerCommand started...
2023-10-21 18:18:12.625 +01:00 [INF] 3/14 - ManagerCommand completed.                                  | Duration: 41 ms.
2023-10-21 18:18:12.625 +01:00 [INF] 4/14 - AppServiceCommand started...
2023-10-21 18:18:18.596 +01:00 [INF] 4/14 - AppServiceCommand completed.                               | Duration: 5970 ms.
2023-10-21 18:18:18.596 +01:00 [INF] 5/14 - ProxyControllerCommand started...
2023-10-21 18:18:18.627 +01:00 [INF] 5/14 - ProxyControllerCommand completed.                          | Duration: 31 ms.
2023-10-21 18:18:18.627 +01:00 [INF] 6/14 - PermissionCommand started...
2023-10-21 18:18:18.677 +01:00 [INF] 6/14 - PermissionCommand completed.                               | Duration: 49 ms.
2023-10-21 18:18:18.677 +01:00 [INF] 7/14 - ApplicationObjectMappingCommand started...
2023-10-21 18:18:18.692 +01:00 [INF] 7/14 - ApplicationObjectMappingCommand completed.                 | Duration: 14 ms.
2023-10-21 18:18:18.692 +01:00 [INF] 8/14 - UnitTestCommandCommand started...
2023-10-21 18:18:18.762 +01:00 [INF] 8/14 - UnitTestCommandCommand completed.                          | Duration: 70 ms.
2023-10-21 18:18:18.762 +01:00 [INF] 9/14 - GenerateProxyCommand started...
2023-10-21 18:18:18.814 +01:00 [INF] 9/14 - GenerateProxyCommand completed.                            | Duration: 52 ms.
2023-10-21 18:18:18.815 +01:00 [INF] 10/14 - MvcUiGenerateCommand started...
2023-10-21 18:18:19.016 +01:00 [INF] 10/14 - MvcUiGenerateCommand completed.                            | Duration: 201 ms.
2023-10-21 18:18:19.016 +01:00 [INF] 11/14 - MvcObjectMappingCommand started...
2023-10-21 18:18:19.035 +01:00 [INF] 11/14 - MvcObjectMappingCommand completed.                         | Duration: 19 ms.
2023-10-21 18:18:19.035 +01:00 [INF] 12/14 - MvcMenuContributorCommand started...
2023-10-21 18:18:19.101 +01:00 [INF] 12/14 - MvcMenuContributorCommand completed.                       | Duration: 65 ms.
2023-10-21 18:18:19.101 +01:00 [INF] 13/14 - AngularUiGenerateWithSchematicsCommand started...
2023-10-21 18:18:51.525 +01:00 [INF] Running the Angular Schematics command:
node run-schematics.mjs '/Users/ashjackson/Git/cloudbiz-so/Test/apps/angular/.suite/schematics/node_modules/.bin/ng' g '.suite/schematics/collection.json:entity' microservice-pro Test.ProductService '/Users/ashjackson/Git/cloudbiz-so/Test/services/product/.suite/entities/Sku.json' '/Users/ashjackson/Git/cloudbiz-so/Test/apps/angular' 
2023-10-21 18:18:56.009 +01:00 [INF] Angular Schematics command failed.
		error = new Error(message);

Error: Command failed with exit code 1: .suite/schematics/node_modules/.bin/ng g .suite/schematics/collection.json:entity --template microservice-pro --target Test.ProductService --source /Users/ashjackson/Git/cloudbiz-so/Test/services/product/.suite/entities/Sku.json
[Project Not Found] A project matching entity solution name or a default project does not exist in your Angular workspace.
    at makeError (/Users/ashjackson/Git/cloudbiz-so/Test/apps/angular/.suite/schematics/node_modules/execa/lib/error.js:60:11)
    at handlePromise (/Users/ashjackson/Git/cloudbiz-so/Test/apps/angular/.suite/schematics/node_modules/execa/index.js:118:26)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at async file:///Users/ashjackson/Git/cloudbiz-so/Test/apps/angular/.suite/schematics/run-schematics.mjs:6:20 {
  shortMessage: 'Command failed with exit code 1: .suite/schematics/node_modules/.bin/ng g .suite/schematics/collection.json:entity --template microservice-pro --target Test.ProductService --source /Users/ashjackson/Git/cloudbiz-so/Test/services/product/.suite/entities/Sku.json',
  command: '.suite/schematics/node_modules/.bin/ng g .suite/schematics/collection.json:entity --template microservice-pro --target Test.ProductService --source /Users/ashjackson/Git/cloudbiz-so/Test/services/product/.suite/entities/Sku.json',
  escapedCommand: '".suite/schematics/node_modules/.bin/ng" g ".suite/schematics/collection.json:entity" --template microservice-pro --target Test.ProductService --source "/Users/ashjackson/Git/cloudbiz-so/Test/services/product/.suite/entities/Sku.json"',
  exitCode: 1,
  signal: undefined,
  signalDescription: undefined,
  stdout: '',
  stderr: '[Project Not Found] A project matching entity solution name or a default project does not exist in your Angular workspace.',
  failed: true,
  timedOut: false,
  isCanceled: false,
  killed: false

Node.js v18.17.1

2023-10-21 18:18:56.025 +01:00 [INF] 13/14 - AngularUiGenerateWithSchematicsCommand completed.          | Duration: 36923 ms.

Hi There,

ABP Suite does not work correctly in Firefox on MacOS. When navigating between the tabs of the entity creation dialog all entered data is lost on the previous tab. I've tested in Safari, Chrome & Edge and they are all fine, this only happens to firefox.

Kind Regards, AJ.

Hi There, I have re-generated the solution, and the problem is solved. It is not clear how this is any different that before, so for now I will close the ticket as it looks like it may have been a one-off error when abp-new was running the first time.

  1. ABP Framework version: v7.2.2
  2. UI type: Angular
  3. DB provider: EF Core / MySQL
  4. Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
  5. Steps to reproduce the issue:"
    1. Create app pro project with Lepton theme.
    2. Add Lepton and Account source to project.
    3. Use suite to add module to app.
    4. Open module in suite.
    5. Create and generate crud page/entity.
    6. Observe that angular ui is not generated.

Hi There,

When I generate a entity in suite, the angular UI is failing to generate. This is in a freshly generated project, the only difference from defaults is that the theme is Lepton, not LeptonX and I have added the theme source code to the project. The entity is being created inside a module. The module was added using the suite UI.

Kind Regards, AJ.

Here is the log file for the generation:

  "Id": "89bcf579-2a93-4b51-9db8-85ab5ee850fd",
  "Name": "Connection",
  "OriginalName": "Connection",
  "NamePlural": "Connections",
  "DatabaseTableName": "Connections",
  "Namespace": "Connections",
  "BaseClass": "FullAuditedAggregateRoot",
  "MenuIcon": "server",
  "PrimaryKeyType": "Guid",
  "IsMultiTenant": true,
  "CheckConcurrency": true,
  "ShouldCreateUserInterface": true,
  "ShouldCreateBackend": true,
  "ShouldExportExcel": true,
  "ShouldAddMigration": true,
  "ShouldUpdateDatabase": true,
  "CreateTests": true,
  "Properties": [
      "Id": "c3d53e16-0872-40ae-9b0b-e55880927263",
      "Name": "Name",
      "Type": "string",
      "EnumType": "",
      "EnumNamespace": "",
      "EnumAngularImport": "shared/enums",
      "EnumFilePath": null,
      "DefaultValue": null,
      "IsNullable": false,
      "IsRequired": true,
      "IsTextArea": false,
      "MinLength": null,
      "MaxLength": 250,
      "SortOrder": 0,
      "SortType": 0,
      "Regex": "",
      "EmailValidation": false,
      "ShowOnList": true,
      "ShowOnCreateModal": true,
      "ShowOnEditModal": true,
      "ReadonlyOnEditModal": false,
      "EnumValues": null,
      "IsSelected": true,
      "OrdinalIndex": 0
      "Id": "8645b3e6-5ac8-45e8-968b-79ed5032ee12",
      "Name": "Url",
      "Type": "string",
      "EnumType": "",
      "EnumNamespace": "",
      "EnumAngularImport": "shared/enums",
      "EnumFilePath": null,
      "DefaultValue": null,
      "IsNullable": false,
      "IsRequired": true,
      "IsTextArea": false,
      "MinLength": null,
      "MaxLength": 1000,
      "SortOrder": 0,
      "SortType": 0,
      "Regex": "",
      "EmailValidation": false,
      "ShowOnList": true,
      "ShowOnCreateModal": true,
      "ShowOnEditModal": true,
      "ReadonlyOnEditModal": false,
      "EnumValues": null,
      "IsSelected": true,
      "OrdinalIndex": 0
      "Id": "c45ff12e-c5bb-4f00-9d59-97ddb2c14337",
      "Name": "UserName",
      "Type": "string",
      "EnumType": "",
      "EnumNamespace": "",
      "EnumAngularImport": "shared/enums",
      "EnumFilePath": null,
      "DefaultValue": null,
      "IsNullable": false,
      "IsRequired": true,
      "IsTextArea": false,
      "MinLength": null,
      "MaxLength": 250,
      "SortOrder": 0,
      "SortType": 0,
      "Regex": "",
      "EmailValidation": false,
      "ShowOnList": true,
      "ShowOnCreateModal": true,
      "ShowOnEditModal": true,
      "ReadonlyOnEditModal": false,
      "EnumValues": null,
      "IsSelected": true,
      "OrdinalIndex": 0
      "Id": "cc5ba564-475e-4be4-9715-fb24ac843343",
      "Name": "Password",
      "Type": "string",
      "EnumType": "",
      "EnumNamespace": "",
      "EnumAngularImport": "shared/enums",
      "EnumFilePath": null,
      "DefaultValue": null,
      "IsNullable": false,
      "IsRequired": true,
      "IsTextArea": false,
      "MinLength": null,
      "MaxLength": 250,
      "SortOrder": 0,
      "SortType": 0,
      "Regex": "",
      "EmailValidation": false,
      "ShowOnList": true,
      "ShowOnCreateModal": true,
      "ShowOnEditModal": true,
      "ReadonlyOnEditModal": false,
      "EnumValues": null,
      "IsSelected": true,
      "OrdinalIndex": 0
      "Id": "414929e5-0ad0-404d-b674-26da85d5575d",
      "Name": "WmsId",
      "Type": "string",
      "EnumType": "",
      "EnumNamespace": "",
      "EnumAngularImport": "shared/enums",
      "EnumFilePath": null,
      "DefaultValue": null,
      "IsNullable": false,
      "IsRequired": true,
      "IsTextArea": false,
      "MinLength": null,
      "MaxLength": 250,
      "SortOrder": 0,
      "SortType": 0,
      "Regex": "",
      "EmailValidation": false,
      "ShowOnList": true,
      "ShowOnCreateModal": true,
      "ShowOnEditModal": true,
      "ReadonlyOnEditModal": false,
      "EnumValues": null,
      "IsSelected": true,
      "OrdinalIndex": 0
      "Id": "8a83fc5f-c84a-4da5-a3fc-670c38886044",
      "Name": "Enabled",
      "Type": "bool",
      "EnumType": "",
      "EnumNamespace": "",
      "EnumAngularImport": "shared/enums",
      "EnumFilePath": null,
      "DefaultValue": "true",
      "IsNullable": false,
      "IsRequired": false,
      "IsTextArea": false,
      "MinLength": null,
      "MaxLength": null,
      "SortOrder": 0,
      "SortType": 0,
      "Regex": "",
      "EmailValidation": false,
      "ShowOnList": true,
      "ShowOnCreateModal": true,
      "ShowOnEditModal": true,
      "ReadonlyOnEditModal": false,
      "EnumValues": null,
      "IsSelected": true,
      "OrdinalIndex": 0
  "NavigationProperties": [],
  "NavigationConnections": [],
  "PhysicalFileName": "Connection.json"

2023-06-19 11:41:59.780 +01:00 [INF] 1/10 - EntityGenerateCommand started...
2023-06-19 11:42:01.520 +01:00 [INF] 1/10 - EntityGenerateCommand completed.                           | Duration: 1738 ms.
2023-06-19 11:42:01.520 +01:00 [INF] 2/10 - RepositoryCommand started...
2023-06-19 11:42:01.625 +01:00 [INF] 2/10 - RepositoryCommand completed.                               | Duration: 104 ms.
2023-06-19 11:42:01.625 +01:00 [INF] 3/10 - ManagerCommand started...
2023-06-19 11:42:01.656 +01:00 [INF] 3/10 - ManagerCommand completed.                                  | Duration: 31 ms.
2023-06-19 11:42:01.656 +01:00 [INF] 4/10 - AppServiceCommand started...
2023-06-19 11:42:06.211 +01:00 [INF] 4/10 - AppServiceCommand completed.                               | Duration: 4554 ms.
2023-06-19 11:42:06.211 +01:00 [INF] 5/10 - ProxyControllerCommand started...
2023-06-19 11:42:06.289 +01:00 [INF] 5/10 - ProxyControllerCommand completed.                          | Duration: 78 ms.
2023-06-19 11:42:06.290 +01:00 [INF] 6/10 - PermissionCommand started...
2023-06-19 11:42:06.385 +01:00 [INF] 6/10 - PermissionCommand completed.                               | Duration: 95 ms.
2023-06-19 11:42:06.385 +01:00 [INF] 7/10 - ApplicationObjectMappingCommand started...
2023-06-19 11:42:06.400 +01:00 [INF] 7/10 - ApplicationObjectMappingCommand completed.                 | Duration: 15 ms.
2023-06-19 11:42:06.400 +01:00 [INF] 8/10 - UnitTestCommandCommand started...
2023-06-19 11:42:06.513 +01:00 [INF] 8/10 - UnitTestCommandCommand completed.                          | Duration: 112 ms.
2023-06-19 11:42:06.513 +01:00 [INF] 9/10 - GenerateProxyCommand started...
2023-06-19 11:42:06.516 +01:00 [INF] 9/10 - GenerateProxyCommand completed.                            | Duration: 2 ms.
2023-06-19 11:42:06.516 +01:00 [INF] 10/10 - AngularUiGenerateWithSchematicsCommand started...
2023-06-19 11:42:06.525 +01:00 [INF] Running the Angular Schematics command:
node run-schematics.mjs '/Users/ashjackson/Git/EWSUKOps/EWUKOperations/angular/.suite/schematics/node_modules/.bin/ng' g '.suite/schematics/collection.json:entity' module-pro EwsApi '/Users/ashjackson/Git/EWSUKOps/EWUKOperations/aspnet-core/modules/EwsApi/.suite/entities/Connection.json' '/Users/ashjackson/Git/EWSUKOps/EWUKOperations/angular' 
2023-06-19 11:42:06.662 +01:00 [INF] Angular Schematics command failed.
import { execa } from "execa";
SyntaxError: Named export 'execa' not found. The requested module 'execa' is a CommonJS module, which may not support all module.exports as named exports.
CommonJS modules can always be imported via the default export, for example using:

import pkg from 'execa';
const { execa } = pkg;

    at ModuleJob._instantiate (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:128:21)
    at async (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:194:5)
    at async Promise.all (index 0)
    at async ESMLoader.import (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:385:24)
    at async loadESM (node:internal/process/esm_loader:88:5)
    at async handleMainPromise (node:internal/modules/run_main:61:12)

2023-06-19 11:42:06.671 +01:00 [INF] 10/10 - AngularUiGenerateWithSchematicsCommand completed.          | Duration: 154 ms.
2023-06-19 11:42:06.671 +01:00 [INF] Entity generation completed in 7 sec.

Hi There, Please see package.json:

  "name": "CloudBiz",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "scripts": {
    "ng": "ng",
    "start": "ng serve --open",
    "build": "ng build",
    "build:prod": "ng build product --configuration production && ng build CloudBiz --configuration production  ",
    "watch": "ng build --watch --configuration development",
    "test": "ng test",
    "lint": "ng lint"
  "private": true,
  "dependencies": {
    "@abp/ng.components": "~7.2.2",
    "@abp/ng.core": "~7.2.2",
    "@abp/ng.oauth": "~7.2.2",
    "@abp/ng.setting-management": "~7.2.2",
    "@abp/ng.theme.shared": "~7.2.2",
    "@angular/animations": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/common": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/compiler": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/core": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/forms": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/localize": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/platform-browser": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/router": "^15.0.4",
    "@volo/": "~7.2.2",
    "@volo/": "~7.2.2",
    "@volo/": "~7.2.2",
    "@volo/": "~7.2.2",
    "@volo/": "~7.2.2",
    "@volo/": "~7.2.2",
    "@volo/": "~7.2.2",
    "@volo/": "~7.2.2",
    "@volosoft/": "^2.0.0",
    "rxjs": "7.5.6",
    "tslib": "^2.1.0",
    "zone.js": "~0.11.4",
    "apexcharts": "^3.39.0",
    "ng-apexcharts": "^1.7.5"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@abp/ng.schematics": "~7.2.2",
    "@angular-devkit/build-angular": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular-eslint/builder": "~15.1.0",
    "@angular-eslint/eslint-plugin": "~15.1.0",
    "@angular-eslint/eslint-plugin-template": "~15.1.0",
    "@angular-eslint/schematics": "~15.1.0",
    "@angular-eslint/template-parser": "~15.1.0",
    "@angular/cli": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/compiler-cli": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/language-service": "^15.0.4",
    "@types/jasmine": "~3.6.0",
    "@types/node": "^12.11.1",
    "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.43.0",
    "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^5.43.0",
    "eslint": "^8.28.0",
    "jasmine-core": "~4.0.0",
    "karma": "~6.3.0",
    "karma-chrome-launcher": "~3.1.0",
    "karma-coverage": "~2.1.0",
    "karma-jasmine": "~4.0.0",
    "karma-jasmine-html-reporter": "^1.7.0",
    "ng-packagr": "^15.0.3",
    "typescript": "~4.8.3"
  • ABP Framework version: v7.2.2
  • UI type: Angular
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes

When LeptonX enters the mobile view it renders icons for the first and last 2 menu items with the remainder in the hamburger menu. However if the 2nd menu item contains sub-menus they do not open. The settings menu does open correctly.

This problem can be seen on the LeptonX demo site: when viewed on mobile the 'Components' menu does not open when clicked/touched. The expected behavior is that the menu opens in the same way as the settings menu.

My project is build on microservice template, the 2nd menu is generated by ABP Suite from one of my services and shows the same issue.

Hi ash.jackson, Is your problem solved ? I was able to resolve by removing my node_modules folder and re-running yarn install / abp install-libs. I could not tell why re-running yarn install after the update did not work. Everything is working again now, thankyou.


EDIT I solved this by completely removing node_modules, yarn lock etc and re-running yarn install from scratch. Not sure why this was requried this time.

ABP Ver = 7.2.1 UI = Angular Template = Microservice template

Hi There, After updating to from 7.0.1 to 7.2.1 I am getting the following error when building angular:

./node_modules/@volo/ - Error: export 'NgbNavItemRole' (imported as 'i8') was not found in '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap' (possible exports: ModalDismissReasons, NgbAccordion, NgbAccordionConfig, NgbAccordionModule, NgbActiveModal, NgbActiveOffcanvas, NgbAlert, NgbAlertConfig, NgbAlertModule, NgbCalendar, NgbCalendarBuddhist, NgbCalendarGregorian, NgbCalendarHebrew, NgbCalendarIslamicCivil, NgbCalendarIslamicUmalqura, NgbCalendarPersian, NgbCarousel, NgbCarouselConfig, NgbCarouselModule, NgbCollapse, NgbCollapseConfig, NgbCollapseModule, NgbConfig, NgbDate, NgbDateAdapter, NgbDateNativeAdapter, NgbDateNativeUTCAdapter, NgbDateParserFormatter, NgbDateStructAdapter, NgbDatepicker, NgbDatepickerConfig, NgbDatepickerContent, NgbDatepickerI18n, NgbDatepickerI18nDefault, NgbDatepickerI18nHebrew, NgbDatepickerKeyboardService, NgbDatepickerModule, NgbDatepickerMonth, NgbDropdown, NgbDropdownAnchor, NgbDropdownConfig, NgbDropdownItem, NgbDropdownMenu, NgbDropdownModule, NgbDropdownToggle, NgbHighlight, NgbInputDatepicker, NgbInputDatepickerConfig, NgbModal, NgbModalConfig, NgbModalModule, NgbModalRef, NgbModule, NgbNav, NgbNavConfig, NgbNavContent, NgbNavItem, NgbNavLink, NgbNavModule, NgbNavOutlet, NgbNavPane, NgbNavbar, NgbOffcanvas, NgbOffcanvasConfig, NgbOffcanvasModule, NgbOffcanvasRef, NgbPagination, NgbPaginationConfig, NgbPaginationEllipsis, NgbPaginationFirst, NgbPaginationLast, NgbPaginationModule, NgbPaginationNext, NgbPaginationNumber, NgbPaginationPages, NgbPaginationPrevious, NgbPanel, NgbPanelContent, NgbPanelHeader, NgbPanelTitle, NgbPanelToggle, NgbPopover, NgbPopoverConfig, NgbPopoverModule, NgbProgressbar, NgbProgressbarConfig, NgbProgressbarModule, NgbRating, NgbRatingConfig, NgbRatingModule, NgbSlide, NgbSlideEventDirection, NgbSlideEventSource, NgbTimeAdapter, NgbTimepicker, NgbTimepickerConfig, NgbTimepickerI18n, NgbTimepickerModule, NgbToast, NgbToastConfig, NgbToastHeader, NgbToastModule, NgbTooltip, NgbTooltipConfig, NgbTooltipModule, NgbTypeahead, NgbTypeaheadConfig, NgbTypeaheadModule, OffcanvasDismissReasons)

./node_modules/@volo/ - Error: export 'NgbNavLinkBase' (imported as 'i8') was not found in '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap' (possible exports: ModalDismissReasons, NgbAccordion, NgbAccordionConfig, NgbAccordionModule, NgbActiveModal, NgbActiveOffcanvas, NgbAlert, NgbAlertConfig, NgbAlertModule, NgbCalendar, NgbCalendarBuddhist, NgbCalendarGregorian, NgbCalendarHebrew, NgbCalendarIslamicCivil, NgbCalendarIslamicUmalqura, NgbCalendarPersian, NgbCarousel, NgbCarouselConfig, NgbCarouselModule, NgbCollapse, NgbCollapseConfig, NgbCollapseModule, NgbConfig, NgbDate, NgbDateAdapter, NgbDateNativeAdapter, NgbDateNativeUTCAdapter, NgbDateParserFormatter, NgbDateStructAdapter, NgbDatepicker, NgbDatepickerConfig, NgbDatepickerContent, NgbDatepickerI18n, NgbDatepickerI18nDefault, NgbDatepickerI18nHebrew, NgbDatepickerKeyboardService, NgbDatepickerModule, NgbDatepickerMonth, NgbDropdown, NgbDropdownAnchor, NgbDropdownConfig, NgbDropdownItem, NgbDropdownMenu, NgbDropdownModule, NgbDropdownToggle, NgbHighlight, NgbInputDatepicker, NgbInputDatepickerConfig, NgbModal, NgbModalConfig, NgbModalModule, NgbModalRef, NgbModule, NgbNav, NgbNavConfig, NgbNavContent, NgbNavItem, NgbNavLink, NgbNavModule, NgbNavOutlet, NgbNavPane, NgbNavbar, NgbOffcanvas, NgbOffcanvasConfig, NgbOffcanvasModule, NgbOffcanvasRef, NgbPagination, NgbPaginationConfig, NgbPaginationEllipsis, NgbPaginationFirst, NgbPaginationLast, NgbPaginationModule, NgbPaginationNext, NgbPaginationNumber, NgbPaginationPages, NgbPaginationPrevious, NgbPanel, NgbPanelContent, NgbPanelHeader, NgbPanelTitle, NgbPanelToggle, NgbPopover, NgbPopoverConfig, NgbPopoverModule, NgbProgressbar, NgbProgressbarConfig, NgbProgressbarModule, NgbRating, NgbRatingConfig, NgbRatingModule, NgbSlide, NgbSlideEventDirection, NgbSlideEventSource, NgbTimeAdapter, NgbTimepicker, NgbTimepickerConfig, NgbTimepickerI18n, NgbTimepickerModule, NgbToast, NgbToastConfig, NgbToastHeader, NgbToastModule, NgbTooltip, NgbTooltipConfig, NgbTooltipModule, NgbTypeahead, NgbTypeaheadConfig, NgbTypeaheadModule, OffcanvasDismissReasons)

./node_modules/@volo/ - Error: export 'NgbNavItemRole' (imported as 'i11') was not found in '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap' (possible exports: ModalDismissReasons, NgbAccordion, NgbAccordionConfig, NgbAccordionModule, NgbActiveModal, NgbActiveOffcanvas, NgbAlert, NgbAlertConfig, NgbAlertModule, NgbCalendar, NgbCalendarBuddhist, NgbCalendarGregorian, NgbCalendarHebrew, NgbCalendarIslamicCivil, NgbCalendarIslamicUmalqura, NgbCalendarPersian, NgbCarousel, NgbCarouselConfig, NgbCarouselModule, NgbCollapse, NgbCollapseConfig, NgbCollapseModule, NgbConfig, NgbDate, NgbDateAdapter, NgbDateNativeAdapter, NgbDateNativeUTCAdapter, NgbDateParserFormatter, NgbDateStructAdapter, NgbDatepicker, NgbDatepickerConfig, NgbDatepickerContent, NgbDatepickerI18n, NgbDatepickerI18nDefault, NgbDatepickerI18nHebrew, NgbDatepickerKeyboardService, NgbDatepickerModule, NgbDatepickerMonth, NgbDropdown, NgbDropdownAnchor, NgbDropdownConfig, NgbDropdownItem, NgbDropdownMenu, NgbDropdownModule, NgbDropdownToggle, NgbHighlight, NgbInputDatepicker, NgbInputDatepickerConfig, NgbModal, NgbModalConfig, NgbModalModule, NgbModalRef, NgbModule, NgbNav, NgbNavConfig, NgbNavContent, NgbNavItem, NgbNavLink, NgbNavModule, NgbNavOutlet, NgbNavPane, NgbNavbar, NgbOffcanvas, NgbOffcanvasConfig, NgbOffcanvasModule, NgbOffcanvasRef, NgbPagination, NgbPaginationConfig, NgbPaginationEllipsis, NgbPaginationFirst, NgbPaginationLast, NgbPaginationModule, NgbPaginationNext, NgbPaginationNumber, NgbPaginationPages, NgbPaginationPrevious, NgbPanel, NgbPanelContent, NgbPanelHeader, NgbPanelTitle, NgbPanelToggle, NgbPopover, NgbPopoverConfig, NgbPopoverModule, NgbProgressbar, NgbProgressbarConfig, NgbProgressbarModule, NgbRating, NgbRatingConfig, NgbRatingModule, NgbSlide, NgbSlideEventDirection, NgbSlideEventSource, NgbTimeAdapter, NgbTimepicker, NgbTimepickerConfig, NgbTimepickerI18n, NgbTimepickerModule, NgbToast, NgbToastConfig, NgbToastHeader, NgbToastModule, NgbTooltip, NgbTooltipConfig, NgbTooltipModule, NgbTypeahead, NgbTypeaheadConfig, NgbTypeaheadModule, OffcanvasDismissReasons)

./node_modules/@volo/ - Error: export 'NgbNavLinkBase' (imported as 'i11') was not found in '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap' (possible exports: ModalDismissReasons, NgbAccordion, NgbAccordionConfig, NgbAccordionModule, NgbActiveModal, NgbActiveOffcanvas, NgbAlert, NgbAlertConfig, NgbAlertModule, NgbCalendar, NgbCalendarBuddhist, NgbCalendarGregorian, NgbCalendarHebrew, NgbCalendarIslamicCivil, NgbCalendarIslamicUmalqura, NgbCalendarPersian, NgbCarousel, NgbCarouselConfig, NgbCarouselModule, NgbCollapse, NgbCollapseConfig, NgbCollapseModule, NgbConfig, NgbDate, NgbDateAdapter, NgbDateNativeAdapter, NgbDateNativeUTCAdapter, NgbDateParserFormatter, NgbDateStructAdapter, NgbDatepicker, NgbDatepickerConfig, NgbDatepickerContent, NgbDatepickerI18n, NgbDatepickerI18nDefault, NgbDatepickerI18nHebrew, NgbDatepickerKeyboardService, NgbDatepickerModule, NgbDatepickerMonth, NgbDropdown, NgbDropdownAnchor, NgbDropdownConfig, NgbDropdownItem, NgbDropdownMenu, NgbDropdownModule, NgbDropdownToggle, NgbHighlight, NgbInputDatepicker, NgbInputDatepickerConfig, NgbModal, NgbModalConfig, NgbModalModule, NgbModalRef, NgbModule, NgbNav, NgbNavConfig, NgbNavContent, NgbNavItem, NgbNavLink, NgbNavModule, NgbNavOutlet, NgbNavPane, NgbNavbar, NgbOffcanvas, NgbOffcanvasConfig, NgbOffcanvasModule, NgbOffcanvasRef, NgbPagination, NgbPaginationConfig, NgbPaginationEllipsis, NgbPaginationFirst, NgbPaginationLast, NgbPaginationModule, NgbPaginationNext, NgbPaginationNumber, NgbPaginationPages, NgbPaginationPrevious, NgbPanel, NgbPanelContent, NgbPanelHeader, NgbPanelTitle, NgbPanelToggle, NgbPopover, NgbPopoverConfig, NgbPopoverModule, NgbProgressbar, NgbProgressbarConfig, NgbProgressbarModule, NgbRating, NgbRatingConfig, NgbRatingModule, NgbSlide, NgbSlideEventDirection, NgbSlideEventSource, NgbTimeAdapter, NgbTimepicker, NgbTimepickerConfig, NgbTimepickerI18n, NgbTimepickerModule, NgbToast, NgbToastConfig, NgbToastHeader, NgbToastModule, NgbTooltip, NgbTooltipConfig, NgbTooltipModule, NgbTypeahead, NgbTypeaheadConfig, NgbTypeaheadModule, OffcanvasDismissReasons)

(There are many more like this, but they all reference to 'NgbNav<something>')

My package references are as follows:

  "dependencies": {
    "@abp/ng.components": "~7.2.1",
    "@abp/ng.core": "~7.2.1",
    "@abp/ng.oauth": "~7.2.1",
    "@abp/ng.setting-management": "~7.2.1",
    "@abp/ng.theme.shared": "~7.2.1",
    "@angular/animations": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/common": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/compiler": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/core": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/forms": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/localize": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/platform-browser": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/router": "^15.0.4",
    "@volo/": "~7.2.1",
    "@volo/": "~7.2.1",
    "@volo/": "~7.2.1",
    "@volo/": "~7.2.1",
    "@volo/": "~7.2.1",
    "@volo/": "~7.2.1",
    "@volo/": "~7.2.1",
    "@volo/": "~7.2.1",
    "@volosoft/": "^2.0.0",
    "rxjs": "7.5.6",
    "tslib": "^2.1.0",
    "zone.js": "~0.11.4",

    "apexcharts": "^3.39.0",
    "ng-apexcharts": "^1.7.5"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@abp/ng.schematics": "~7.2.1",
    "@angular-devkit/build-angular": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular-eslint/builder": "~15.1.0",
    "@angular-eslint/eslint-plugin": "~15.1.0",
    "@angular-eslint/eslint-plugin-template": "~15.1.0",
    "@angular-eslint/schematics": "~15.1.0",
    "@angular-eslint/template-parser": "~15.1.0",
    "@angular/cli": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/compiler-cli": "^15.0.4",
    "@angular/language-service": "^15.0.4",
    "@types/jasmine": "~3.6.0",
    "@types/node": "^12.11.1",
    "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.43.0",
    "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^5.43.0",
    "eslint": "^8.28.0",
    "jasmine-core": "~4.0.0",
    "karma": "~6.3.0",
    "karma-chrome-launcher": "~3.1.0",
    "karma-coverage": "~2.1.0",
    "karma-jasmine": "~4.0.0",
    "karma-jasmine-html-reporter": "^1.7.0",
    "ng-packagr": "^15.0.3",
    "typescript": "~4.8.3"


This has worked perfectly, thankyou.

If anyone else is looking to do this then this site

Allows easy packaging and CSS generation for local hosting of fonts.

Showing 1 to 10 of 28 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 17, 2024, 14:26