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Activities of "bozkan"

Hi, I already checked the document and its Reading Setting Values on the Client Side parts is not clear for me. When I try to use abp.setting.get() get an error as "cannot find name abp" so cannot get the value. We already completed the server side for the setting definition so only thing is getting and showing the value on the client side.

However I want to use my own setting instead of using the default ones that called as "IndexingSettings" that you can see from the screenshot actually.I already added the setting tab using following the documentation I specified and the only thing I have trouble with getting the related setting values from the server side. Can I use ConfigStateService for it as well and if it so how can I add my customized setting to there?

"setting": { "values": { "Abp.Localization.DefaultLanguage": "en", "Volo.Abp.LeptonTheme.Layout.Boxed": "False", "Volo.Abp.LeptonTheme.Layout.MenuPlacement": "Top", "Volo.Abp.LeptonTheme.Layout.MenuStatus": "OpenOnHover", "Volo.Abp.LeptonTheme.Style": "Style5", "Abp.Timing.TimeZone": "UTC", "Abp.Identity.Password.RequiredLength": "6", "Abp.Identity.Password.RequiredUniqueChars": "1", "Abp.Identity.Password.RequireNonAlphanumeric": "True", "Abp.Identity.Password.RequireLowercase": "True", "Abp.Identity.Password.RequireUppercase": "True", "Abp.Identity.Password.RequireDigit": "True", "Abp.Identity.Lockout.AllowedForNewUsers": "True", "Abp.Identity.Lockout.LockoutDuration": "300", "Abp.Identity.Lockout.MaxFailedAccessAttempts": "5", "Abp.Identity.SignIn.RequireConfirmedEmail": "False", "Abp.Identity.SignIn.EnablePhoneNumberConfirmation": "True", "Abp.Identity.SignIn.RequireConfirmedPhoneNumber": "False", "Abp.Identity.User.IsUserNameUpdateEnabled": "True", "Abp.Identity.User.IsEmailUpdateEnabled": "True", "Abp.Identity.OrganizationUnit.MaxUserMembershipCount": "2147483647", "Abp.Account.IsSelfRegistrationEnabled": "False", "Abp.Account.EnableLocalLogin": "True", "Abp.Account.TwoFactorLogin.IsRememberBrowserEnabled": "True", "Abp.Account.EnableLdapLogin": "false" }

Hi, I am trying to apply the instructions for creating the custom setting page and for the server side everything seems okey while information about the client side is not enough for me. I am using Angular v9 and created my own component with forming the html as well however, there is no such thing as abp.setting.get() to get the custom setting value from the server side. It has warning like "cannot find name 'abp'". I guess it is applicable for the AngularJS but not Angular 2+.

So , how can .I get the custom setting from the server side and show/update on my Angular page?

used documentation : https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/UI/Angular/Custom-Setting-Page another reference (for the old version) : https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Setting-Management


  • ABP Framework version: v3.0.5
  • UI type: Angular

So far I have :

no code written in .ts file.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 07, 2025, 05:40