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Why was this question closed? It was not answered.

I am looking for the ABP Recommended way to create, compile, and run a new solution completely off of local source and done in a scripted, repeatable way. Going through the GUI is not an acceptable answer - there is too much room for error.

That's not what I'm saying. I can access the PACKAGES, but as a customer I do not have access to source for COMMERCIAL. I have access to source for everything else. When I reference all packages it is OK, when I switch to local source I am still referencing the package for commericial (like Volo.Abp.Commercial.Core and a couple others), and that is where I am getting "NU1106: Unable to satisfy conflicting requests for 'Volo.Abp.Core'" This was not a problem in version 7 of ABP and .NET 7, but it IS a problem with ABP 8 and .NET 8 (in this case, I am using ABP 8.3.1)

As I said, you need to do this on a machine that doesn't have access to the source code for any of the commercial modules.

We have a commercial license. As soon as we replace packages with source code we are getting these errors all throughout our solution. I just picked a single module as an example.

It needs to be fixed.

You're missing the point! It appears EVERYWHERE that references Volo.Abp.Commercial.Core - this was just an example.

Are you saying that I don't need ANY references in any project to any of the commercial packages?

Do not run this on a machine which has the commercial source available (which is the environment your customers must use). When you use a machine which is configured the same way as your customers, you will see the following:

C:\Temp\ABPTest\Volo.Abp.TextTemplateManagement\host\Volo.Abp.TextTemplateManagement.Web.Unified\Volo.Abp.TextTemplateManagement.Web.Unified.csproj :
 error NU1106: Unable to satisfy conflicting requests for 'Volo.Abp.Core':
 Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via package/Volo.Abp.Commercial.Core 8.3.1)
 Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via package/Volo.Abp.Commercial.Core 8.3.1)
 Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via package/Volo.Abp.Commercial.Core 8.3.1)
 Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via package/Volo.Abp.Commercial.Core 8.3.1)
 Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via package/Volo.Abp.Commercial.Core 8.3.1)
 Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via package/Volo.Abp.Commercial.Core 8.3.1)
 externalProject/Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via project/Volo.Abp.Castle.Core 8.3.1)
 Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via package/Volo.Abp.Sms 8.3.1)
 Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via package/Volo.Abp.Commercial.Core 8.3.1)
 Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via package/Volo.Abp.Sms 8.3.1)
 Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via package/Volo.Abp.BlobStoring 8.3.1)
 Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via package/Volo.Abp.Commercial.Core 8.3.1)
 Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via package/Volo.Abp.Commercial.Core 8.3.1)
 Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via package/Volo.Abp.Commercial.Core 8.3.1)
 Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via package/Volo.Abp.Commercial.Core 8.3.1)
 Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via package/Volo.Abp.Commercial.Core 8.3.1)
 Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via package/Volo.Abp.Commercial.Core 8.3.1)
 externalProject/Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via project/Volo.Abp.ObjectMapping 8.3.1)
 Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via package/Volo.Abp.Commercial.Core 8.3.1)
 externalProject/Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via project/Volo.Abp.Security 8.3.1)
 externalProject/Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via project/Volo.Abp.ObjectMapping 8.3.1)
 externalProject/Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via project/Volo.Abp.ObjectMapping 8.3.1)
 externalProject/Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via project/Volo.Abp.Http.Abstractions 8.3.1)
 externalProject/Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via project/Volo.Abp.ObjectMapping 8.3.1)
 externalProject/Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via project/Volo.Abp.Security 8.3.1)
 externalProject/Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via project/Volo.Abp.Guids 8.3.1)
 externalProject/Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via project/Volo.Abp.ObjectMapping 8.3.1)
 externalProject/Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via project/Volo.Abp.Specifications 8.3.1)
 externalProject/Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via project/Volo.Abp.ObjectMapping 8.3.1)
 externalProject/Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via project/Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Abstractions 8.3.1)
 Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via package/Volo.Abp.Gdpr.Abstractions 8.3.1)
 externalProject/Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via project/Volo.Abp.ObjectMapping 8.3.1)
 externalProject/Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via project/Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Abstractions 8.3.1)
 Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via package/Volo.Abp.Gdpr.Abstractions 8.3.1)
 externalProject/Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via project/Volo.Abp.VirtualFileSystem 8.3.1)
 externalProject/Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via project/Volo.Abp.ObjectMapping 8.3.1)
 externalProject/Volo.Abp.Core (>= 8.3.1) (via project/Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Abstractions 8.3.1)

This goes on for nearly 500 lines. It happens everywhere a commercial package is referenced that we cannot get source to.

  1. I specifically requested a CLI method. I need to script this so that it is done exactly the same way each time we do a major upgrade, and so that each step is done in order and documented. This script is part of our source code.
  2. The 'new' CLI is broken. Run "abp list-modules" and tell me how to parse that output to know which modules to request source code for, and which are included in the open source framework.
# Run the abp list-modules command and capture the output
$moduleList = & abp list-modules

# Parse the module names from the command output
$moduleNames = $moduleList | ForEach-Object {
    if ($_ -match '^>\s(.+)') {

# Iterate over each module name and run the abp get-source command
foreach ($module in $moduleNames) {
    Write-Output "Getting source for module: $module"
    & abp get-source $module --output-folder $module
  1. How do I know which modules are pre-installed in the new project created by the CLI, and which need to be added by running "ABP add-module"?

Please provide specifics. What are the CLI command that should be used?

  1. When I run the CLI command to get a list of modules, how do I tell which are PRO modules, and which are already part of the open source ? Under the 'old' CLI, they were separated, but under the new CLI they are not.
  2. What location do I use for the source of the PRO modules? Do I put them in a folder at the same level as the framework?
  3. When using the new CLI, how do I know what name to use for the download? Many of the modules cannot be downloaded without changing the name (such as removing '.ABP' from the name).
powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile C:\Temp\AbpTest\"
powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -Path 'C:\Temp\ABPTest\' -DestinationPath 'C:\Temp\ABPTest'"
cd /d C:\Temp\ABPTest
ren abp-8.3.1 abp
abp get-source Volo.Abp.TextTemplateManagement --version 8.3.1 --output-folder Volo.Abp.TextTemplateManagement
dotnet build .\Volo.Abp.TextTemplateManagement\Volo.Abp.TextTemplateManagement.sln
@REM Successful
abp.exe switch-to-local --solution C:\Temp\ABPTest\Volo.Abp.TextTemplateManagement\Volo.Abp.TextTemplateManagement.sln --paths C:\Temp\ABPTest
dotnet clean .\Volo.Abp.TextTemplateManagement\Volo.Abp.TextTemplateManagement.sln
dotnet build .\Volo.Abp.TextTemplateManagement\Volo.Abp.TextTemplateManagement.sln

That's an incredibly frustrating answer - what's wrong with the information I already provided? Do you need me to explain how to run your CLI? How to use it to create a solution? How to download module source?

Showing 1 to 10 of 34 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on November 20, 2024, 13:06