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Activities of "chrislarabell"


Yes, that is similar to how we are working around the issue, but it does not apply any visual to the textbox:

source: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.3/forms/floating-labels/

Hi Long,

Yes, but abp-input tag helpers do not add floating labels. The control I am using has a floating label. The top control is what I am after.

https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.3/forms/floating-labels/, supported in bootstrap v5.

The validation does not add the validity class to the correct HTML tag. The validation code needs to be overridden, but I do not see where that can be done.

I am looking for information regarding client side validation. I did a search of the support page and found a great example of what NOT to do: https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/5133/abp-modal-razor-page-validation-issue

How is this considered support? ABP doesn't do this, so too bad.

This was happening in 7.1.1, 7.2.1, and 7.2.2.

Using the CRUD page generator in abp suite, I get an error any time I mark a property as read-only in the update screen.

The error happens in the Manager : DomainService class for the new entity and the AppService class for the new entity.

The issue is an extra comma added when there is a concurrencyStamp in the UpdateAsync Methods because the read-only property is removed from the method parameters.

Domain Service

public async Task<Entity> UpdateAsync( int id, , [CanBeNull] string concurrencyStamp = null

Application Service

var entity = await _entityManager.UpdateAsync( id, , input.ConcurrencyStamp );

I submitted a request for support, but the issue was closed before I was able to solve the issue. Is this your standard operating procedure? In my career, the person who files the ticket either requests the closure, the support person asks if the ticket can be closed, or, it is closed automatically after the customer becomes un-responsive. To me, there should also be a distinction between resolved and closed.

An issue can be resolved temporarily, but that might be due to a workaround. The underlying issue may require a development task, which would then relate to the ticket. To me, a closed issue means that the issue is no longer an issue at all. In my request, I don't believe the issue was even resolved as I still needed to diagnose additional failures. There should be some adjustments to the module installation process for the issue to be truly fixed.

I've been using ASP.NET Boilerplate since v1.5.2 and switched to a commercial license with abp.io because it is exactly what we need right now. Since the support community is public, I tried to highlight some of the additional steps I took to resolve the issue. However, by purchasing support, I would expect a complete solution provided by the support team. Especially when integrating a module provided by the same organization that provided the base software and the installation documentation.

Hi @chrislarabell ,

We'd happily help you with your support issue. please send an email to info@abp.io. As for the support ticket auto-close procedure; To keep the question active and monitorable, there's an agent that automates this process.

According to the support rule, after 10 days have gone since the last answer from the support team, an email is being sent to the question owner regarding the question's inactivity. In this step, the support team is awaiting a response from the owner to keep the question active. The question is automatically closed if the owner still doesn't respond after 5 days. Within the period the question is still active, the owner can reopen the question and continue the conversation throughout this time frame. After waiting in this manner for 7 days, the question is automatically locked by the Service Bot, if there is still no response. The question owner receives an email notification for each of these phases. Despite these warnings and steps, the question can be reopened if the owner emails info@abp.io. This procedure is carried out to make support questions more active and monitorable.

My question was open for about 24 hours before it was closed without a complete resolution: https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/4966/How-do-I-add-the-CMS-Kit-Pro-to-the-Microservice-Template

I understand there is a bot that follows a procedure. I have no issue with the bot.

Can you respond to any of the relevant points in my original post?

Here they are again:

  • [ ] An issue can be resolved temporarily, but that might be due to a workaround. The underlying issue may require a development task, which would then relate to the ticket. To me, a closed issue means that the issue is no longer an issue at all. In my request, I don't believe the issue was even resolved as I still needed to diagnose additional failures. There should be some adjustments to the module installation process for the issue to be truly fixed.
  • [ ] Since the support community is public, I tried to highlight some of the additional steps I took to resolve the issue. However, by purchasing support, I would expect a complete solution provided by the support team. Especially when integrating a module provided by the same organization that provided the base software and the installation documentation.

I submitted a request for support, but the issue was closed before I was able to solve the issue. Is this your standard operating procedure? In my career, the person who files the ticket either requests the closure, the support person asks if the ticket can be closed, or, it is closed automatically after the customer becomes un-responsive. To me, there should also be a distinction between resolved and closed.

An issue can be resolved temporarily, but that might be due to a workaround. The underlying issue may require a development task, which would then relate to the ticket. To me, a closed issue means that the issue is no longer an issue at all. In my request, I don't believe the issue was even resolved as I still needed to diagnose additional failures. There should be some adjustments to the module installation process for the issue to be truly fixed.

I've been using ASP.NET Boilerplate since v1.5.2 and switched to a commercial license with abp.io because it is exactly what we need right now. Since the support community is public, I tried to highlight some of the additional steps I took to resolve the issue. However, by purchasing support, I would expect a complete solution provided by the support team. Especially when integrating a module provided by the same organization that provided the base software and the installation documentation.


Good to see the problem has been solved. I'm closing the question.

The problem had not been solved! I asked how to add the CMS Kit to the microservices solution and I had to solve another problem.

Once I did the configuration, I had to add typeof(CmsKitProHttpApiClientModule) to the DependsOn attribute.

The final piece seems to be adding items to the PublicWeb project. I have created pages and menu items, but they do not show up on the PublicWeb site.

I added the following Package Volo.CmsKit.Pro.Web and then added the following as a dependency typeof(CmsKitProPublicWebModule) in PublicWebModule.

FIXED (See update below.)

Except I now have duplicate menu entries for a service I created.

I followed this guide and created it prior to installing the CMS kit

UPDATE: To fix this issue, I had to replace [DependsOn(typeof(CmsKitProWebModule))] with[DependsOn(typeof(CmsKitProAdminWebModule))]

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 13, 2025, 10:35