Hey guys. This topic is rather pressing. We use your Commercial Pro Template for Microservices, AuthServer and Angular UI here. You just need to create a new Angular Frontend using your CLI to reproduce this behavior.
Staging Auth Server is available at https://intg-identity.laekkerai.app It's your auth server template without any modifications to it.
We approached this on different ways. With Commercial Angular Template, With Community Angular Template. All resulting in the user not being authenticated. You see a somewhat login bc for some reason the commercial template show the username, but even after refreshing app state you never see a valid session for him on the client side
Any ideas here? Or regarding my original question what are the recommended specs for a server so that the auth server responds withing 50ms-75ms for token validation and logins.
The redis server is running and accessible. Checked the the auth server pods too.
I am unable to attach anything else than images here. Logfile can be found at: https://eatatsys-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/bielefeldt_aveato_de/ETN48jaPAC1Lg-YfJKJ7kVEBkQS1vewPAb_RXFIvKnhYBQ?e=9l3unK
We increased the machine size for the auth server. We do not get those 30 second peaks anymore but still i t takes ~4 seconds.
Question: What are the recommended CPU and RAM requirements to run the auth server smoothly in a Kubernetes cluster? Right now, it is a bottleneck in our microservice environment because all services verify the tokens through it. At times, it delays requests made to our microservices by up to 30 seconds because they wait for the auth server to respond. We tested it with a fresh install having just one tenant with a single user.
So what are the recommended CPU and RAM requirements?
your provider blocked the zip file :-/ I sent u an email again. But this time I was using a OneDrive-FileShare.
i sent an example project by mail.
Check the docs before asking a question: https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/latest/ ✅ done Check the samples to see the basic tasks: https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/latest/samples/index ✅ done The exact solution to your question may have been answered before, and please first use the search on the homepage. ✅ done Provide us with the following info:
Have you seen this in the past?