Activities of "clearlaunch"

  • ABP Framework version: v5.1.4
  • UI type: Angular
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no
  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"!
  • LoginRedirects.PNG

This config works for Authorization Code Flow const oAuthConfig = { issuer: 'https://localhost:44329', redirectUri: baseUrl, clientId: 'TealTech_App', responseType: 'code', scope: 'offline_access TealTech', requireHttps: true, };

This config brings me to the login loop for Resource Owner Password Flow const oAuthConfig = { issuer: 'https://localhost:44329', // IdentityServer url clientId: 'TealTech_App', dummyClientSecret: 'secret pulled from [IdentityServerClientSecrets] table', scope: 'offline_access TealTech', }; **Is dummyClientSecret the proper key? I've also tried clientSecret but same behavior.


AzureAD compile issue.

I've created a new MVC solution using 4.0 and I'm trying to test the AzureAD integration.

When I try to follow this article or look at the sample code presented for the MVC AzureAD integration I get this compile error.

authenticationbuilder does not contain a definition for addidentityserverauthentication

The current documentation

Just says TODO. Any pointers here.

Showing 11 to 12 of 12 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on December 12, 2024, 07:15