Hi mahmut.gundogdu Can you support me for this?
I have compared between my configuration and your configuration in your git hub link . My configuration is same to your configuration.
When my project deployed to Azure Kubernetes Service, the isssue still existed. I cannot login in my tenant angular. As you can se in the below image
API token can be called successfully and return access_token, but angular cannot redirect to home page
I think we can disscuss in a online meeting like goole meeting or zoom meeting, because you can seee my project more detailed If you cannot arrange the time for a online meeting, I will send you my source code, you can take a look and help me to fix the wrong configuration. So that I can deploy to Azure Kubrentes Service and report you the reulst.
If you cannot arrange time to join our meeting I will send you my code, you can view the issue and fix the issue After you finish fixing, I will deploy code and we can check it together
Hi mahmut.gundogdu! I have taken a look at your code I think that my configuration is like your configuration Could you join us a meeting via google meet or zoom? In the online meeting, you can view my code and fix my issue directly
Hi mahmut.gundogdu! When you finished the document, Please sent this for me.
Hi mahmut.gundogdu! Because, I need this part urgently for tomorrow! I see that you have finished the document Could you join a google meeting with me? I think it will be easier for us to discuess with our situation
Hi mahmut.gundogdu! Can you screen shot all configure that work and share to me?
Thank you for mahmut.gundogdu!
Hi mahmut.gundogdu! Can you guide for me step by step? Because, I need this part urgently!