Activities of "david.hurtado"

Thanks @liangshiwei This works for a migration but i need when i create or insert a new tenant, no for migration.

  • ABP Framework version: v7.0.1
  • UI Type: Blazor Server
  • Database System: EF Core -SQL Server,
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:
  • We need to fill a table when a tenant is created. How we could do this with this version 7.0.1

How can I establish dynamic permissions without recompiling the application?

I get links from another api, and i need to set this values for an specific permission for each one. I could do this with abp??

  • ABP Framework version: v7.1.0
  • UI Type: Blazor Server
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes tired
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

Ok made that and it's work Thank you very munch!


Hello we've been do that but It doesn´t take the new image.


Can you provide a Guide to customize fav icon for authentication server.

  • ABP Framework version: v7.0.1
  • UI Type: Blazor Server
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:
  • We have this customization for Blazor server tired like you can see in this example:
  • We need to customize the same in authentication server tired.
  • Right now we have this:
  • Can you provide a guide to do this?

In the Organization Units module of the abp framework, I need to add an additional property that will allow me to filter the organization's tree by company or enterprise(this is a custom module that we made before) within the tenant. How can I add this property so that the user can configure it and then use those values in another module of the system?

Is this possible? There is a guide to do this??

  • ABP Framework version: v7.0.1
  • UI Type: Blazor Server
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

Thanks for your help the error was missformatin on .json localizer lenguage file Change the line of code and it's works properly

And this is the complete log of the error 2023-12-06 09:14:34.647 -04:00 [ERR] After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: E. Path 'Texts.MaxTipoDeMeta', line 1374, position 5. Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: E. Path 'Texts.MaxTipoDeMeta', line 1374, position 5. at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParsePostValue(Boolean ignoreComments) at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.Read() at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.PopulateDictionary(IDictionary dictionary, JsonReader reader, JsonDictionaryContract contract, JsonProperty containerProperty, String id) at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.CreateObject(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, JsonContract contract, JsonProperty member, JsonContainerContract containerContract, JsonProperty containerMember, Object existingValue) at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.CreateValueInternal(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, JsonContract contract, JsonProperty member, JsonContainerContract containerContract, JsonProperty containerMember, Object existingValue) at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.SetPropertyValue(JsonProperty property, JsonConverter propertyConverter, JsonContainerContract containerContract, JsonProperty containerProperty, JsonReader reader, Object target) at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.PopulateObject(Object newObject, JsonReader reader, JsonObjectContract contract, JsonProperty member, String id) at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.CreateObject(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, JsonContract contract, JsonProperty member, JsonContainerContract containerContract, JsonProperty containerMember, Object existingValue) at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.CreateValueInternal(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, JsonContract contract, JsonProperty member, JsonContainerContract containerContract, JsonProperty containerMember, Object existingValue) at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.Deserialize(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, Boolean checkAdditionalContent) at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeInternal(JsonReader reader, Type objectType) at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(String value, Type type, JsonSerializerSettings settings) at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject[T](String value, JsonSerializerSettings settings) at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject[T](String value) at Volo.Abp.Suite.Areas.AbpSuite.CrudPageGenerator.Services.LocalizationService.AddLocalizationsAsync(Dictionary2 localizations, CrudPageCommandOptions options) at Volo.Abp.Suite.Areas.AbpSuite.CrudPageGenerator.Services.LocalizationService.AddLocalizationsAsync(CrudPageCommandOptions options, Dictionary2[] localizations) at Volo.Abp.Suite.Areas.AbpSuite.CrudPageGenerator.Commands.EntityGenerateCommand.ChcUcfTecn() at Volo.Abp.Suite.Areas.AbpSuite.CrudPageGenerator.Commands.EntityGenerateCommand.ExecuteAsync(CrudPageCommandOptions options) at Volo.Abp.Suite.Areas.AbpSuite.CrudPageGenerator.CommandManager.ExecuteAllAsync(CrudPageCommandOptions options) at Volo.Abp.Suite.Areas.AbpSuite.CrudPageGenerator.Commands.CrudPageGenerator.GenerateAsync(EntityModel entity, Solution solution) at Volo.Abp.Suite.Controllers.CrudPageGeneratorController.SaveAndGenerateEntityAsync(Guid solutionId, EntityModel entity) at lambda_method1872(Closure, Object) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ActionMethodExecutor.TaskOfActionResultExecutor.Execute(ActionContext actionContext, IActionResultTypeMapper mapper, ObjectMethodExecutor executor, Object controller, Object[] arguments) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.<InvokeActionMethodAsync>g__Awaited|12_0(ControllerActionInvoker invoker, ValueTask`1 actionResultValueTask) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.

This is the defition. 2023-12-06 09:14:34.333 -04:00 [INF] === ENTITY GENERATION STARTED ===

  • SOLUTION: Galac.Tickets
  • ENTITY:{ "Id": "1598cd96-844b-44cf-882b-c209ad4a150e", "Name": "MetaDeVenta", "OriginalName": "MetaDeVenta", "NamePlural": "MetasDeVenta", "DatabaseTableName": "MetasDeVenta", "Namespace": "MetasDeVenta", "BaseClass": "AuditedAggregateRoot", "MenuIcon": "chart-bar", "PrimaryKeyType": "Guid", "IsMultiTenant": true, "CheckConcurrency": true, "ShouldCreateUserInterface": true, "ShouldCreateBackend": true, "ShouldExportExcel": true, "ShouldAddMigration": true, "ShouldUpdateDatabase": false, "CreateTests": false, "Properties": [ { "Id": "d8aa47c9-d52e-409e-a5ec-b37faa6055d4", "Name": "CompaniaId", "Type": "long", "EnumType": "", "EnumNamespace": "", "EnumAngularImport": "shared/enums", "EnumFilePath": null, "DefaultValue": "0", "IsNullable": false, "IsRequired": false, "IsTextArea": false, "MinLength": null, "MaxLength": null, "SortOrder": 1, "SortType": 1, "Regex": "", "EmailValidation": false, "EnumValues": null, "IsSelected": true, "OrdinalIndex": 0 }, { "Id": "3472ed49-6f55-40a0-9f03-eb94c4d80f89", "Name": "TipoDeMeta", "Type": "enum", "EnumType": "TipoDeMeta", "EnumNamespace": "Galac.Tickets.Enums", "EnumAngularImport": "shared/enums/tipo-de-meta", "EnumFilePath": "/src/Galac.Tickets.Domain.Shared/Enums/TipoDeMeta.cs", "DefaultValue": null, "IsNullable": false, "IsRequired": false, "IsTextArea": false, "MinLength": null, "MaxLength": null, "SortOrder": 0, "SortType": 0, "Regex": "", "EmailValidation": false, "EnumValues": { "MontoCobranza": 0, "Cantidad": 1, "MontoVenta": 2, "MontoMargenVentas": 3 }, "IsSelected": true, "OrdinalIndex": 0 }, { "Id": "86dc79fd-8db0-4722-9e9c-b06364784edb", "Name": "TipoDePeriodo", "Type": "enum", "EnumType": "Desglose", "EnumNamespace": "Galac.Tickets.Enums", "EnumAngularImport": "shared/enums/desglose", "EnumFilePath": "/src/Galac.Tickets.Domain.Shared/Enums/Desglose.cs", "DefaultValue": null, "IsNullable": false, "IsRequired": false, "IsTextArea": false, "MinLength": null, "MaxLength": null, "SortOrder": 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"EnumValues": null, "IsSelected": true, "OrdinalIndex": 0 }, { "Id": "4708cb3c-0b9f-4d53-8e6e-d468fc22a4fa", "Name": "AplicaA", "Type": "enum", "EnumType": "TodosUno", "EnumNamespace": "Galac.Tickets.Enums", "EnumAngularImport": "shared/enums/todos-uno", "EnumFilePath": "/src/Galac.Tickets.Domain.Shared/Enums/TodosUno.cs", "DefaultValue": null, "IsNullable": false, "IsRequired": false, "IsTextArea": false, "MinLength": null, "MaxLength": null, "SortOrder": 0, "SortType": 0, "Regex": "", "EmailValidation": false, "EnumValues": { "Todos": 0, "Uno": 1 }, "IsSelected": true, "OrdinalIndex": 0 }, { "Id": "9f976ead-0f38-44be-b319-9c3c63769407", "Name": "ComisionaAPartirDe", "Type": "decimal", "EnumType": "", "EnumNamespace": "", "EnumAngularImport": "shared/enums", "EnumFilePath": null, "DefaultValue": "0", "IsNullable": false, "IsRequired": false, "IsTextArea": false, "MinLength": null, "MaxLength": null, "SortOrder": 0, "SortType": 0, "Regex": "", "EmailValidation": false, "EnumValues": null, "IsSelected": true, "OrdinalIndex": 0 }, { "Id": "137e808f-8c24-4055-bdb8-be2d04cfdf1d", "Name": "TipoDeComision", "Type": "enum", "EnumType": "TipoDeComision", "EnumNamespace": "Galac.Tickets.Enums", "EnumAngularImport": "shared/enums/tipo-de-comision", "EnumFilePath": "/src/Galac.Tickets.Domain.Shared/Enums/TipoDeComision.cs", "DefaultValue": null, "IsNullable": false, "IsRequired": false, "IsTextArea": false, "MinLength": null, "MaxLength": null, "SortOrder": 0, "SortType": 0, "Regex": "", "EmailValidation": false, "EnumValues": { "Porcentaje": 0, "Monto": 1 }, "IsSelected": true, "OrdinalIndex": 0 }, { "Id": "441d6f43-db2d-4740-9461-fac3f1011d77", "Name": "Comision", "Type": "decimal", "EnumType": "", "EnumNamespace": "", "EnumAngularImport": "shared/enums", "EnumFilePath": null, "DefaultValue": "0", "IsNullable": false, "IsRequired": false, "IsTextArea": false, "MinLength": null, "MaxLength": null, "SortOrder": 0, "SortType": 0, "Regex": "", "EmailValidation": false, "EnumValues": null, "IsSelected": true, "OrdinalIndex": 0 } ], "NavigationProperties": [ { "EntityNameWithDuplicationNumber": "TipoVendedor", "EntitySetNameWithDuplicationNumber": "TipoVendedors", "ReferencePropertyName": "TipoVendedor", "UiPickType": "Dropdown", "IsRequired": true, "Name": "TipoVendedorId", "DisplayProperty": "Descripcion", "Namespace": "Galac.Tickets.TipoVendedores", "EntityName": "TipoVendedor", "EntitySetName": "TipoVendedors", "DtoNamespace": "Galac.Tickets.TipoVendedores", "DtoEntityName": "TipoVendedorDto", "Type": "Guid" }, { "EntityNameWithDuplicationNumber": "LineaDeProducto", "EntitySetNameWithDuplicationNumber": "LineaDeProductos", "ReferencePropertyName": "LineaDeProducto", "UiPickType": "Dropdown", "IsRequired": false, "Name": "LineaDeProductoId", "DisplayProperty": "Nombre", "Namespace": "Galac.Tickets.LineasDeProducto", "EntityName": "LineaDeProducto", "EntitySetName": "LineaDeProductos", "DtoNamespace": "Galac.Tickets.LineasDeProducto", "DtoEntityName": "LineaDeProductoDto", "Type": "Guid" }, { "EntityNameWithDuplicationNumber": "Categoria", "EntitySetNameWithDuplicationNumber": "Categorias", "ReferencePropertyName": "Categoria", "UiPickType": "Dropdown", "IsRequired": false, "Name": "CategoriaId", "DisplayProperty": "Descripcion", "Namespace": "Galac.Tickets.Categorias", "EntityName": "Categoria", "EntitySetName": "Categorias", "DtoNamespace": "Galac.Tickets.Categorias", "DtoEntityName": "CategoriaDto", "Type": "Guid" }, { "EntityNameWithDuplicationNumber": "IdentityUser", "EntitySetNameWithDuplicationNumber": "IdentityUsers", "ReferencePropertyName": "IdentityUser", "UiPickType": "Typeahead", "IsRequired": false, "Name": "IdentityUserId", "DisplayProperty": "Name", "Namespace": "Volo.Abp.Identity", "EntityName": "IdentityUser", "EntitySetName": "IdentityUsers", "DtoNamespace": "Volo.Abp.Identity", "DtoEntityName": "IdentityUserDto", "Type": "Guid" }, { "EntityNameWithDuplicationNumber": "Moneda", "EntitySetNameWithDuplicationNumber": "Monedas", "ReferencePropertyName": "Moneda", "UiPickType": "Typeahead", "IsRequired": true, "Name": "MonedaId", "DisplayProperty": "Nombre", "Namespace": "Galac.Tickets.Monedas", "EntityName": "Moneda", "EntitySetName": "Monedas", "DtoNamespace": "Galac.Tickets.Monedas", "DtoEntityName": "MonedaDto", "Type": "int" } ], "NavigationConnections": [], "PhysicalFileName": "MetaDeVenta.json" }

2023-12-06 09:14:34.333 -04:00 [INF] 1/13 - EntityGenerateCommand started... 2023-12-06 09:14:34.647 -04:00 [ERR] ---------- RemoteServiceErrorInfo ---------- { "code": null, "message": "An internal error occurred during your request!", "details": null, "data": {}, "validationErrors": null }

Showing 1 to 10 of 63 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 16, 2025, 11:47