Activities of "desarrolloweb"


Thank you for your answer, I will be pending of it.

So, in our point, Is it possible to add a custom method to IdentityUserAppService?.

I have been checking on and I have tried to implement something similar of the repository implementation that it's in that documentation, but I'm getting an error from abp.libs.datatables.createAjax(_identityUserAppService.getCustomList, getFilter), saying the method not exist.

and this is my CustomGetIdentityUsersInput

Please, Let me know if I'm making something wrong or there isn't possible to do it.

Hi, I'm trying to add a new property to GetIdentityUsersInput but I'm getting this error

I'm trying to override the method Task<PagedResultDto<IdentityUserDto>> GetListAsync(GetIdentityUsersInput input) in IdentityUserAppService in a custom extend class to pass to it a new parameter to filter in the identity user list view.

Please, let me know.

Hi Desarrolloweb,

May be worth checking here:

As this is a pretty widespread issue right now - the NuGet feed is down for a lot of us, and we haven't seen any updates yet on it.

Do you have any idea of when the service will be working again?

  • ABP Framework version: v7.0.1

  • UI type: Blazor

  • DB provider: EF Core

  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no

  • Exception message and stack trace:

  • Net Framework: 7.0.102 /var/folders/vv/0cy9w6qd0_b8794kz9vm1zdxgc1ls7/T/d4e71186-0a6d-42ac-9e97-5e27e95a3c20/restore.csproj : error NU1101: Unable to find package volo.abp.suite. No packages exist with this id in source(s):, The tool package could not be restored. Tool 'volo.abp.suite' failed to install. This failure may have been caused by:

  • You are attempting to install a preview release and did not use the --version option to specify the version.

  • A package by this name was found, but it was not a .NET tool.

  • The required NuGet feed cannot be accessed, perhaps because of an Internet connection problem.

  • You mistyped the name of the tool.

For more reasons, including package naming enforcement, visit

  • Steps to reproduce the issue:" ~% abp login-info [17:04:10 INF] ABP CLI 7.0.1 [17:04:10 INF] Login info: Name: Desarrollo Surname: web Username: desarrolloweb Email Address:

~% dotnet tool install -g Volo.Abp.Suite --add-source

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 14, 2025, 08:49