Activities of ""

hi maliming,

I have added the user to the AbpUsers collection but I still can not login to the site

this is my code:

var connectionStringResolver = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IConnectionStringResolver>();
        var dbContexts = GetAbpMongoDbContexts();
        var backOfficeDbContext = dbContexts.OfType<BackOfficeMongoDbContext>().FirstOrDefault();
        if (backOfficeDbContext is not null)
            var database = await GetMongoDatabase(connectionStringResolver, backOfficeDbContext);
            var collection = database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("AbpUsers");
            if (collection is not null)
                var filterUser = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("UserName", "abc");
                var isExisted = await collection.Find(filterUser).AnyAsync();
                if (!isExisted)
                    var user = new BsonDocument
                        { "_id", new BsonBinaryData(Guid.NewGuid(), GuidRepresentation.Standard) },
                        { "ConcurrencyStamp", Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "") },
                        { "CreationTime", DateTime.UtcNow },
                        { "IsDeleted", false },
                        { "UserName", "abc" },
                        { "NormalizedUserName", "ABC" },
                        { "Name", "abc" },
                        { "Email", "" },
                        { "NormalizedEmail", "ABC@ABC.VN" },
                        { "EmailConfirmed", true },
                        { "PasswordHash", _passwordHasher.HashPassword(null, "1q2w3E*") },
                        { "SecurityStamp", Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "") },
                        { "IsExternal", false },
                        { "PhoneNumber", "" },
                        { "PhoneNumberConfirmed", false },
                        { "TwoFactorEnabled", false },
                        { "LockoutEnabled", true },
                        { "AccessFailedCount", 0 },
                        { "IsActive", false },
                        { "ShouldChangePasswordOnNextLogin", false },
                        { "EntityVersion", 0 }
                    await collection.InsertOneAsync(user);

It actually worked. Thanks very much!

Hi, I have debugged the issue, and although it goes to the highlight, it still stores data in the audit table.

I have added [DisableAuditing] on controller, api and IgnoredUrls on AbpAspNetCoreAuditingOptions

Hmm, that's weird, it still isn't working.

For the route "/api/app/jobs/sync-robot-drivers"

I have setup like this but doesn't work

var ignoredUrls = new[]

foreach (var url in ignoredUrls)

Hi @maliming, please let me know if the issue has been resolved.

hi, I have shared again


Yes, please check your mail

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