Im trying to change the leptonx logo in order to put our own one. I cant find any docs about this (i do find for lepton, but not for leptonx) nor find where in the code it should be done?
Also, i think it would be worth cleaning the project template when you select LeptonX as there is still stuff that seems to be for Lepton only such as :
"Settings": {
"Volo.Abp.LeptonTheme.Style": "Style1", /* Options: Style1, Style2... Style6 */
"Volo.Abp.LeptonTheme.Layout.MenuPlacement": "Top", /* Options: Left, Top */
"Volo.Abp.LeptonTheme.Layout.MenuStatus": "AlwaysOpened", /* Options: AlwaysOpened, OpenOnHover */
"Volo.Abp.LeptonTheme.Layout.Boxed": "False" /* Options: True, False */
Hi @maliming,
Ive deployed the app on an azure app service and the performance are good (production release).
Might have been a problem with my local computer.
Thank you
Oh my bad! I was sure that i did look?!
Sorry about it!
Have a good day
Just one more question regarding MVC / Razor component : is there any docs at all? all those <abp-input>, <abp-form> etc are not documented at all on the main documentation pages but maybe somewhere else?
Thank you
Thanks for the feedback. I am using LeptonX so it would be the native input then! Ill try to switch my computer to 24h format and confirm with the business if that trick would be good enough :D otherwise we will just change the control.
Thank you
Hi all,
Im trying to use the abp-input type="time" to be a 24h format ( no am / pm selector). Ive tryed mostly everything i could think of in the asp-format params but without success <abp-input asp-for="Technician.StartAt" type="time" asp-format="HH:mm"/>
Ive also tried to change the settings in js as i was expecting it to use either Jquery or Bootstrap TimeSelector but without success again.
How can we force the abp-input to show as a 24h format?
Also, it seems there is no docmentation at all on the abp-input, abp-modal etc at all? Or did i miss something? The scaffolded pages uses it but i cant believe there aint no docs at all?
Thank you
Hi all,
Ive been generating my domain using the Suite but unfortunately it seems like that validation are not fully respected. Here is my 'activity' aggregate which have a Title. It is Required, MinLength of 3 and MaxLength of 64.
In the constructor, those rules are respected (even tough the ctor was public, wouldnt it be set to internal following ABP best practice when managed via a Domain Service/Manager???). But in the ActivityManager.Update, there aint no validation at all so i cant update an Activity and pass an empty Title.
Thank you
Addition 1: It also does not mark the required properties (or any validations) as internal set so developer can easily set Title = string.empty in the AppService.
HI all,
I was wondering what to expect in term of performance of the commercial version. At the moment, i have mostly a brand new application (just added a few aggs using the suite) and i really feel like the performance are poor.
Here are examples:
2seconds to get the EditModel of a user. 10% only is spent on SQL
Take mostly 2sec to get the to users listing
Please understand im not here to complain but trying to understand if that the kind of performance to expect on production, is there multiple skipped layer of ABP when building in Release? At the moment, im quite scare to see how it would perform once i start adding business logic etc...
Obviously, i do understand that all the 'module' and 'automagically' stuff have a performance cost, but is 2sec to get a single user by its id normal or is there something wrong on my side?
Thank you