Did you import AccountLayoutModule Module ? When I reproduce this issue I have not take this error. If Error is continue can you share your envirement.ts ?
We will take it to our roadmap for angular.
UserMenuService removeitem() allows you to remove items from the menu that you don't want.
import { APP_INITIALIZER } from '@angular/core';
import { eUserMenuItems } from '@volosoft/abp.ng.theme.lepton-x';
export const USERMENUPROVIDER = [
{ provide: APP_INITIALIZER, useFactory: userMenuRoutes, deps: [UserMenuService], multi: true },
function userMenuRoutes(userMenu: UserMenuService) {
return () => {
I checked in version 5.3.3 but I did not produce this error. Can you write how did you have error step by step. And also can you write error log.
The problem will be solved if you add the following code to app.module.ts and add the object to your providers array.
export interface RouterStateParams {
url: string;
params: Params;
queryParams: Params;
export class CustomRouterStateSerializer
implements RouterStateSerializer
serialize(routerState: RouterStateSnapshot): SerializedRouterStateSnapshot {
return {
root: this.serializeRoute(routerState.root),
url: routerState.url,
private serializeRoute(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): ActivatedRouteSnapshot {
const children = route.children.map(c => this.serializeRoute(c));
return {
url: route.url,
params: route.params,
queryParams: route.queryParams,
fragment: route.fragment,
data: {},
outlet: route.outlet,
component: null,
routeConfig: null,
root: null as any,
parent: null,
firstChild: children[0],
children: children,
pathFromRoot: null as any,
paramMap: route.paramMap,
queryParamMap: route.queryParamMap,
toString: route.toString,
provide: RouterStateSerializer,
useClass: CustomRouterStateSerializer,
We have tried this issue with Angular like following step and no problem was found.
For Angular Version 5.1.3 and Angular Version 5.2.0;
For v5.1.3 :
For v5.2.0 :
When we check Account module is served under IdentityServer in Angular Version 5.1.3 and Angular Version 5.2.0.
Angular Version 5.1.3
Settings :
Permission :
Angular Version 5.2.0
Settings :
Permission :