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Activities of "fatihkaya"

Thanks for your sharing, But when I override Login Model in AuthServer, I cannot get data from CurrentUser(for claims). After login I want to set a new "claim" data here but CurrentUser is empty here.

Thank you for your sharing.

But, How do I debug when I login via account/login as image (https://prnt.sc/M5n60kkDAwvw)? When I login to app, I want to put breakpoint (https://prnt.sc/FT-cCKrkAgvr) or run a method which gets data from database. How can I do?


Hi again,

I want to debug login process. I want to make a developing while entering, so How can I debug Account/Login module? Account/Login is a Abp Module and How can I develop login process as custom?

There is a CustomeSignInManager class in AuthServer project, Must I use it? İf there is a another way, I will be glad if you share with me.


Hello again,

First of all thanks for the answer, but when I use "object extensions system" to add a new property to the AbpUsers table, it adds this property as json data in the 'ExtraProperties' field, not as a new column. Is it possible to add it as a new column? Image: https://prnt.sc/WTi-Ib1DVvsV

Another question, we want to add LicienceId as a claim (CurrentUser) but the project does not see the requested AbpClaimsServiceOptions class. We can't see LicienceId among the claims. Note: the code https://prnt.sc/TtLhg2aFaPUF

Thanks for your help in advance

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