I think you deleted the database and re-created afterwards tried to reach to account management without signing out. Since UserId is cached, you are getting the error page.
Try clearing the site cache and relog to application. That should fix the problem.
If you don't know how: Please go to developlers tool (F12) and at Application tab, Storage; Clear site data
It seems hard to troubleshoot since there is no related error or something that we can reproduce on on our side.
Though this may be related with encoding differences with appsettings and the data saved and retrieved from database. Can you log related SMTP settings retrieved from database to verify if any character is not deformed like i became ı etc.
If requester is an admin, get all the data from db; if a user, get only data that the user has created.
Exacly, this is what I want to do.
I don't think you need to drag or bend permission system for this.
In Domain layer, you can write query filters or interceptor based on your needs.
Or if you want to handle in application service layer, you can inject ICurrentUser and check if user has admin role under currentUser.Roles so that you can pass something like query = query.Where(q => q.CreatorId == _currentUser.Id)
if currentUser.Roles does not contain admin role (or however you decide).
Hello nick.coleman, sorry for late response.
It seems you have misconfiguration here:
user.AddOrUpdateProperty<Title>( UserConsts.TitleName, options => { options.Attributes.Add(new RequiredAttribute()); options.UI.OnTable.IsVisible = false; } );
Type should be enum instead of Title
enum>( UserConsts.TitleName, options => { options.Attributes.Add(new RequiredAttribute()); options.UI.OnTable.IsVisible = false; } );
I would like to give the entry owner permissions and the same permissions for all records to the administrator.
What do you mean by entry owner permissions?
In the code I want to include filter if LogPowerAdmin show all, if WorkLogs show only current user resources. Is this the right way?
Is showing users resources related with data? You want to query data based on user or role? If requester is an admin, get all the data from db; if a user, get only data that the user has created. Do I understand correctly?
Can you share application logs to check if any error occured related with SMTP settings?
I couldn't reproduce either.
I couldn't understand the reason behind requiring two individual different permission for a single resource.
Logically, permissions are the privillage representations of your resource for the consumers. You expose WorkLog application service so that the service methods can have different delete/edit etc permissions or just under an umbrella like WorkAppPermissions.WorkLogs.Default.
However WorkAppPermissions.WorkLogsPowerAdmin.Default does sound more like a role representation instead of resource privillage. So why not create something like LogPowerAdmin role granting this permission already?
This is exactly what I have done at the frontend side, I just want to implement it at the backend now.
Backend you mean API? You are using Angular application calling an API which is stateless. Whenever token is expired or invalidated, you will be redirected back to login. Nothing to implement in backend.
Closing the issue. Feel free to re-open or create a new one if your problem persists.