Activities of "improwise"

Still waiting for a reply here.


This seems to work. Since there is a MainFooterComponent.razor file that isn't used, we updated that one with

@inherits Footer @attribute [ExposeServices(typeof(Footer))] @attribute [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]

which seems to work so far.

Thanks. Will give it a try.

One thing I would like personally is a notice that the ticket investigation has started, or even has been seen, on a post.

I've seen one ticket today that's over 9 days old without even initial feedback on it, just a chaser by the OP.

I've logged a P1 ticket for us today as we can't do any work with the feed out, but no idea if it's even been seen by the support team.

I agree 100% with this comment/request. My dev recently submitted a ticket and we followed up three times before finally receiving any acknowledgement that the ticket had even been read after 12 days. In general, is marketed as an enterprise grade solution, and as such, commercial license holders should be provided with enterprise grade support. Project delays can be extremely costly, and the only thing worse than bad information, is no information at all. We received a response, however it did not address the issue fully, so we are continuing to struggle to get the project back on track. My suggestion is to recieve a real acknowledgement (not automated) within 24 hours of being submitted from the assigned support specialist. A full response should be furnished within 48-72 hours (or 2-3 business days).

I agree with this and also have a general feeling that the ABP Team just need to be more active in here. While I fully understand that users of the free open source version of ABP can't really make any demands, the ABP Commercial product is as you say marketed as an enterprise product and also comes with a quite substantial price (everything is relative of course) which at least to me means that our expectations also increase. I kind of feels that we are somewhere in between an actual enterprise product and a boilerplate one where you get a great start and lots of nice features, but then you are on you own.

I would also like to see a "support guide" that helps us understand what to put where in terms of questions, bugs, problems etc, as I find it confusing to separate this forum, different threads at this forum from each other, email support, GitHub issues etc. It is also a bit confusing sometimes to know what is "commercial" and what isn't when you run into issues. It also becomes more a bit more challenging when using something like ABP Suite to generate a solution, which would mean that what we get isn't exactly the same as someone using the free version would get, and this makes me unsure what I should report as GitHub Issues and what to report in here. Maybe there is such a support guide somewhere but I have not been able to find it and I just did another search just now to see if I could find one.

This is of course not too uncommon when going from an "open source" situation to one where you offer a commercial version as well, and I fully understand that there are a lot of challenges involved with this and I don't doubt that everyone at ABP (Volosoft) is working hard and doing what they can. At the same time, you are asking for our feedback so we should give it as it is.

is ABP commercial using Blazorise Free tier? it's showing a message to purchase commercial version

Has ABP responded to this yet and what version of Blazorise is actually included with ABP Commercial as of now?

ABP Commercial uses the Blazorise commercial version.


Just to clarify, would this be once license per developer you have assigned a ABP Commercial license to? From what I remember, ABP Commercial does not use "organizational email" like but instead individual accounts connected to an organization/license like Mainly asking as if you only get one account at Blazorise, you probably would want it to be rather than

Perhaps this should be moved to a separate ticket as it isn't really a 8.2 bug anymore it seems.

Please write only bugs related to 8.2.x under this topic. Otherwise, everyone who subscribed to this topic will see your personal comments and questions, which will be time-consuming for them. Contact for the licensing questions.

OP actually says "Feel free to report any bugs, issues, and problems." but sure.

I find that it hard to know if reported bugs, issues and problem in this thread is actually looked upon by the ABP Team and also to be able to track progress with them. So far it seems to be mostly us customers being active in here and with limited feedback from the ABP Team. I believe that with more feedback, more users of the RC versions would probably feel that it was worth reporting about problems which would be beneficial to us all. Thanks.

There seem to be a problem with the compact menu in Lepton that when you select a menu item, it will go to that page but it won't close the menu itself which continue to hide most if not all of the page behind it making you thing that nothing happened. If you however press the large X, you can see that the selected page is in fact loaded. When screen is wide enough to display the normal sidebar, this works as it should (even with auto collapse enabled). This is how it looks even after I have selected "Roles" and that page is in fact loaded behind the menu.

This have been tried mostly with MAUI Blazor UI in Windows emulator and Android Emulator, not sure what other UIs might be affected if any.

This seem to report a similar problem


Small correction, the menu isn't closed on a larger screen either (until you no longer hover over it with cursor) but there it isn't a problem as it does not cover the entire screen as it would do on a mobile so you see that something actually happen. In a mobile app, AFAIK it is standard that the navigation menu will close upon selection and that you don't have to do it manually each time. There seem to be some inconsistency here, like the language menu will close upon section, but not the appearance submenu. Also if you have a menu open, it won't even close if you click the home button (even though that page will be loaded behind it). I am not up to date with with current design guidelines but having tried out a few apps now, it seems to be default that a navigation menu should close you make a selection in it. So this is either a bug or a feature request depending on how you look at it.

is ABP commercial using Blazorise Free tier? it's showing a message to purchase commercial version

Has ABP responded to this yet and what version of Blazorise is actually included with ABP Commercial as of now?

ABP Commercial uses the Blazorise commercial version.


Just to clarify, would this be once license per developer you have assigned a ABP Commercial license to? From what I remember, ABP Commercial does not use "organizational email" like but instead individual accounts connected to an organization/license like Mainly asking as if you only get one account at Blazorise, you probably would want it to be rather than

Perhaps this should be moved to a separate ticket as it isn't really a 8.2 bug anymore it seems.

It would be nice if there was a solution wide option for multi tenant so that you did not have to manually select it each time you create a new entity. I would assume that if you have some entities that are multi tenant, you would probably want most of them to be that as well. Of course there would need to be an option to still deselect it for each entity when you create it.

is ABP commercial using Blazorise Free tier? it's showing a message to purchase commercial version

Has ABP responded to this yet and what version of Blazorise is actually included with ABP Commercial as of now?

Can add that there does not seem to be any relevant log entries in the Web browser console and as mentioned above, the login in itself actually works, so this is probably something that should be solved by login page refresh to show that login is completed and the browser window can be closed.

Showing 51 to 60 of 155 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30