Activities of "improwise"

With Blazor being more "build once, run everywhere" it would be nice if ABP Suite generated components to a separate class library instead of putting them in each project. You can of course do this yourself but that would probably break any further updates by ABP Suite. This is especially useful if you intend to use MAUI with Blazor Web View. For this to happen, ABP Suite would probably have to begin with actually generating components instead of just pages. I see that the latest versions of Blazor templates actually has a "Components folder in them" where the predefined ABP pages are located, but when you create a new page (entity) in ABP Suite, it actually creates a new "Pages" folder at the same level as the Components folder, so that you end up with 2 Pages folders. Not sure if this is intended or an error.

Maybe the Module Startup Template can be used for this even though a module and a component isn't really the same thing.

With the raising popularity of using Blazor in MAUI applications (BlazorWebView) to reuse code on all platforms, I think there should be an option to have ABP Suite generate a solution with that setup from the start. I guess the stuff already in the template to handle login, users, profiles etc. could just stay in XAML and then just simply add something like this if the options is selected

<BlazorWebView HostPage="wwwroot/index.html">
        <RootComponent Selector="#app" ComponentType="{x:Type local:Main}" />

When creating a Blazor solution also containing a MAUI project, when you try to login in the running MAUI app, you will be redirected to a login page in the web browser. The login itself seem to work find but the login page in the browser never seem to update to the usual "Authentication completed, you can now close this window and return to the app" or something like that but instead will just continue to show the login screen. This is running locally as I windows app I might add, could be different on Android, iOS etc.

This is how the web page looks even though login has been completed successfully.

Seems like the MAUI template needs updating

Maui\Extensions\MarkupExtensionBase.cs(9,13,9,45): warning CS0618: 'MauiApplication.Services' is obsolete: 'Use the IPlatformApplication.Current.Services instead.'

I recommend closing this topic and highlighting what is in the Roadmap and what is not so that we can vote on which feature we consider priority.

Now there are many proposals, but we don't know what you are working on.


I agree should be raised as seperate issues in github and assigned to milestones.

Isn't Github for non commercial ABP though? If so, things that apply to all of ABP probably should go there but stuff involving ABP Suite, ABP Studio, commercial modules etc should go in here? This should however still be clarified in the OP, especially as I just noticed there is a similar thread here for ABP Suite as well so it is a bit confusing.

What exactly does this option do/change and what will happen if you unselect it?

Was some time ago that I used the ABP Suite in RC version so not sure if that checkbox has been around for a while now.

You can't create an entity with ABP Suite + ABP Cli 8.2.0-rc.3

Can confirm this problem, which basically means that you can only use ABP Suite in RC3 to create new solutions as this error aborts any additional code generation it seems.


Can add that this problem seems to be only related to the new Blazor WebApp, when creating a Blazor Server solution with ABP Suite, it seems to work as it should.

Unless it is already mentioned, it should probably be mentioned in the documentation that Blazor apps created using the new WebApp template by default get Auto rendermode

<AbpStyles BundleName="@BlazorLeptonXThemeBundles.Styles.Global" WebAssemblyStyleFiles="GlobalStyles" @rendermode="InteractiveAuto" />

Perhaps there should also be options in ABP Suite to select what you want like in VS, but perhaps that is something for the developer to change in code instead if needed.

hi @cellero @improwise

I have created a new Blazor Web App project in ABP Suite using 8.2.0-rc.3. I periodically get this message when starting the project. Refreshing the page fixes the problem and I can carry on.

I will confirm this problem. Thank your for your feedback.

Could be a coincidence but I get the feeling that you need to run it once without debugging, then it will work to run with debugging. Have not done any systematic testing of it though.

Is it possible to generate non RC solutions from ABP Suite with the RC CLI and Suite installed or do you have to downgrade? There is a "Preview" checkbox in the ABP Suite but it is not quite clear what it actually does and if it does anything since the ABP Suite itself is preview.

Mainly asking as it would be easier when you find bugs etc with RC versions if you could compare it easily with a non RC solution to see if it is new bugs of maybe have been around before as well. Would probably be helpful for Volosoft also to know.

you can create a specific ABP version project, see

And that will work with a RC version of the CLI installed as well? And you will be able to open that generated solution in the RC version of ABP Suite and then use it as with a non RC version?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30