Activities of "jfistelmann"


it depends on where you want it to appear.

Option 1 - inside the menu

Add something like this to your menu contributor

context.Menu.AddItem(new ApplicationMenuItem(
            name: "Chat",
            displayName: "Chat",
            url: "~/Chat",
            requiredPermissionName: Volo.Chat.Authorization.ChatPermissions.Messaging

Option 2

Do option 1 and in addition, add this inside the ConfigureService-Method of your web project:

Configure<LeptonXThemeMvcOptions>(options =>
            options.MobileMenuSelector = items =>
            items.Where(x => x.MenuItem.Name == "Home" || x.MenuItem.Name == "Chat");

Here's the documentation for that:

Option 3

The right side of the mobile menu is not configurable via code. You would need to override this file here and do the adjustments to get your desired outcome:

Here's the documentation on how to do something like that:

I hope this helps. If not, please let me know.

Kind regards Jack


please execute dotnet build /graphBuild like described here

Does that solve your issue?

kind regards Jack

Is there any way we can download the solution with microservices template having mysql as database?

No, that is not possible as of today. You may want to upvote this feature request here or create a new one


if the UI in Visual Studio does not allow for it, you can always edit the .csproj directly and make the adjustments needed. You're looking for <PackageReference> entries.

Example in VS Code:

Example in Visual Studio: Double Click on your *.EntityFrameworkCore Project

It will then open the .csproj file for you to edit

Does that help you?

Kind regards Jack

Taking aside the fact that there are migration guides which did not get applied here - I now better understand what you mean. Thank you for that example.

The cli - at least at the moment - only updates package references. Therefore, everything else needs to be done manually as described in the migration guides. Can you point out a specific case where the migration guides did not include such a change? I would then discuss it internally.

Apart from that, I see that we have multiple points here. If I get you right, you wouldn't use the update command even if it did produce the same outcome (update and new) - as you have your own code in place.

How would you describe a desirable outcome for this issue/ what would need to change?

Hard to tell without taking a look at the code.

Is this reproducable with the template project? If not, can you send your example to ?

The github code is free to use and targets a different use case.

Q: Why would we still use NuGet packages? A: Because of lower build times, easier to reuse, easier to manage and versioning.

Generally spoken, abpframework and it's modules are meant to be consumed as nuget packages.

I understand that your use case is different from that. You have the need to change the code directly and I do not question that. As stated here you may want to overthink your approach on how you customize and consume the framework.

I made this picture for clarification.

This way, you can do whatever customizations you like - in your own source control in a manageable manner. If you do not want to use NuGet packages, you can just skip the part and use the code directly like you do it today - but from your customized repository where you've made adjustments specific to your use cases.

Does that help you?

Kind regards Jack

Thank you, that does solve the problem.

I think this is a bug though, the publicly available source code should not be 'broken' out of the box.

I understand that it bothers you. However, I don't receive any warnings in that matter. Just to clarify - when building abpframework I use this script:

I also would not argue that this is a bug. The abpframework is meant to be consumed by referencing the nuget packages and not by using the source directly. And when you are using the nuget packages, source linking is helpful because it enables you to debug through the code.


I can see that you have "@abp/ng.theme.shared": "~5.1.3", - the latest version would be 7.2.2 according to this here.

May it be that you upgraded from Angular 13 to 15?

Please try running abp update --npm -v 7.2.2 in your solution directory to ensure that all npm packages have the latest version available. There may be more packages which do not have the latest version - which may lead to the issue you experience.

Apart from that, maybe this StackOverflow Issue may be relevant to you.

If that does not help, I would need to look at the source code. Can you please try and inform me about the result?

Kind regards Jack


I tried to reproduce the issue with the latest version of abp (7.2.2 as of today) and I could not reproduce the issue.
I implemented it as described here:

Can you please check if the issue occurs using the latest version?

kind regards


The Abp version is 4.1.0 I created a new solution, and make the request 10 times, 8 requests are abandoned. Two requests are executed.

Thanks, Domina

Sadly, version 4.1.0 is outdated (it was released January 2021. There have been some changes and it seems like the issue you are describing got fixed in the meantime. Using version 7.2.2 - I changed the delay to 15 seconds in order to reproduce faster and made 10 requests. They all went through:

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13