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Activities of "kresimirm"


Hello support, I've got problem understanding how Volo.Abp.Users.ICurrentUser 's function IsInRole works when user is in multiple roles. Did you intent for this function only to work with one role or there is a way to check if user is in one of the roles user currently belongs to? Can you explain why when there is multiple role claims you use string representation like "["Role1","Role2"]". Is that intentionally or is it a bug?

When reading this documentation https://github.com/abpframework/abp/blob/dev/framework/src/Volo.Abp.Security/Volo/Abp/Users/CurrentUser.cs I don't see how this work for multiple roles. I think there should be multiple role claims.

I'm using ABP framework version 4.4.2 with Blazor web assembley for UI with EF Core /MSSQL for db.


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