We do not provide the option to use Azure B2C, you can try to integrate it first.
ABP template just an ASPNET Core application, you check the azure bc2 document first: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/
You can check: https://community.abp.io/articles/using-devexpress-blazor-ui-components-with-the-abp-framework-wrpoa8rw
The second way is the best.
The other thing is that the OnLocationChanged method seems to only be called when going to the home page, but not when going to any other page.
Sorry , I didn't get it.
Also , can you share the steps? it may a problem, we should fix it if so.
You can try:
(await GetDbContextAsync()).Users
We used distributed events: https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Distributed-Event-Bus
You can check it: https://github.com/abpframework/abp/blob/dev/modules/blogging/src/Volo.Blogging.Domain/Volo/Blogging/Users/BlogUserSynchronizer.cs
how can you get it? or product name?
This is what we did, we have redundant user data in the blog module and synchronize data using distributed events.
If you just want to get the product, you can try:
public class BlogProductController : //....
private readonly IProductionAppService _productAppService; // dynamic Http Api proxy
public BlogProductController(//....)
public async Task<Product> GetProductByName(string productName)
// will send a http request to product module.
return await _productAppService.GetProductByName(productName)