Activities of "liangshiwei"


ABP only integrates rabbitmq for the distributed event bus.You need to implement tis feature yourself.

You can use Rabbitmq to implement RPC: or you can directly use grpc :


Tenants should be able to see the settings page, you can check current user is granted settings management permissions. Like this :

A setting value read from the following provider:

  • DefaultValueSettingValueProvider
  • ConfigurationSettingValueProvider
  • GlobalSettingValueProvider
  • TenantSettingValueProvider
  • UserSettingValueProvider

Setting fallback system works from bottom (user) to top (default).

You can set the value using the method of ISettingManager :

//For tenant's setting
await _settingManager.SetForCurrentUserAsync("App.UI.LayoutType", "LeftMenu");
await _settingManager.SetForUserAsync(user1Id, "App.UI.LayoutType", "LeftMenu");

//For user's setting
await _settingManager.SetForCurrentTenantAsync("App.UI.LayoutType", "LeftMenu");
await _settingManager.SetForTenantAsync(tenant1Id, "App.UI.LayoutType", "LeftMenu");

Have a nice day : ).

Hi, I updated the project again and added the invoice template:

If there is still a problem, I can help you remotely.

Have a nice day : )

GetAllAsync method internally uses a loop to get all values. It will only make writing simple, but performance will not be improved and there may be 100 settings, and only 40 of them are needed.

I provide another solution here:

Hi, I updated the code


* Download the project
* Run the `.DbMigrator` project
* Run the `.Web` project
* Navigate  to `/swagger` and find test API.

It's strange, I updated the code, now you can call the API in swagger


I have time now.Please email me to tell me the how to remote, Thanks.

Yes, you can set IsEnabled to false, A disabled permission will be prohibited for everyone. it will always return prohibited.

Currently no good way to remove it from the API, but this can still be done:

This way, API endpoints will not be created

[Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
public class MyServiceConvention : AbpServiceConvention, ITransientDependency
    public MyServiceConvention(IOptions<AbpAspNetCoreMvcOptions> options) : base(options)


    protected override void ApplyForControllers(ApplicationModel application)
        application.Controllers.RemoveAll(x => x.ControllerType == typeof(OrganizationUnitController));

It doesn't show up in the Swagger and you can navigate directly to /test in the browser

source code :



I can't reproduce your problem. Can you provide complete steps? Including environment, project information, etc..., Or I can remotely access your computer. Thanks.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30