Hello linhhn@arius.vn ,
Can you please share more steps to reproduce this issue, and also it will be helpful if you share some details of the entity that you are getting error. Like Entity parameters, and its inheritance.
Thank you, Anjali
My solosution is Separate tenant schema Before upgrading to version 7.4.0-rc.4, I had an entity that was not checked into Multi-tenant. It works fine in 7.3.2. After upgrading, if you call the Get all data api of that entity, a 500 error will occur All code related to this entity is automatically generated, I do not customize
Thanks. The reason is that the lepton-x version has not been updated in package.json
I have updated version 7.4-rc4 but still do not see AngularUI has a timezone setting screen Is 7.4 final going to be implemented? And can you tell me the release date of 7.4 final?
import { EditFormPropContributorCallback, EntityActionContributorCallback, EntityPropContributorCallback, ToolbarActionContributorCallback } from '@abp/ng.theme.shared/extensions';
import { eAccountComponents } from '../enums/components';
import { IdentitySecurityLogDto } from '@volo/abp.commercial.ng.ui/config';
import { ProfileDto } from '@volo/abp.ng.account/public/proxy';
export type AccountEntityActionContributors = Partial<{
[eAccountComponents.MySecurityLogs]: EntityActionContributorCallback<IdentitySecurityLogDto>[];
export type AccountToolbarActionContributors = Partial<{
[eAccountComponents.MySecurityLogs]: ToolbarActionContributorCallback<IdentitySecurityLogDto[]>[];
export type AccountEntityPropContributors = Partial<{
[eAccountComponents.MySecurityLogs]: EntityPropContributorCallback<IdentitySecurityLogDto>[];
export type AccountEditFormPropContributors = Partial<{
[eAccountComponents.PersonalSettings]: EditFormPropContributorCallback<ProfileDto>[];
export interface AccountConfigOptions {
redirectUrl?: string;
entityActionContributors?: AccountEntityActionContributors;
toolbarActionContributors?: AccountToolbarActionContributors;
entityPropContributors?: AccountEntityPropContributors;
isPersonalSettingsChangedConfirmationActive?: boolean;
@volo\abp.ng.account\public\models\config-options.d.ts In config options I am seeing AccountEditFormPropContributors not being used
Hello, Same question is also opened here we'll fix this with the next version I'm Refunded your credit
Best regards
Thanks. When will the next version be released?