Activities of "mahmut.gundogdu"

I have copied your app.module.ts in newly created abp app. It works. I couldn't produce

getFn({filter}:PageQueryParams) { return this.service.getCityLookup(filter); }

componente dediğiniz gibi bir metod tanımladığımda şöyle bir hata alıyorum

Hocam typescript uyari ile aslinda derdiniz anlatmis. Type uyumsuzlugu var. Beklenen deger ile sizin atadiginiz deger uygun degil

function yourFunctionName({filter}:LookupRequestDto){

gibi yazabilirsiniz

Are you sure your UI is angular? I have checked, and Angular does not use the Toastr library. MVC and blazor is used. I have redirect the issue MVC or Blazor team.

or maybe that page is in the server side so you can use resource owner flow.

CORE_OPTIONS is defined in CoreModule.Could you please check your app to see if Root() is defined?

and The app is new created app or how can I produce the issue?

I have created new app and tested, There is no issue.

Could you describe how to produce that issue ? I have created an Angular app with AbpSuite. I have added a module, but the module template doesn't have a UI selection option. Please give me more information to produce issue.

(from the morning) In my local, I am working on it. I have added angular universal. I am solving SSR issues. I will inform you. I may not completed in today. so I just want to say "I couldn't find fix yet but I am keep continue to working on it."

getCityData(input:PageQueryParams){ return this.service.getCityLookup(input) }

hocam getFn methodu 1 tane parametre aliyor. o parametrenin degerleri

 interface PageQueryParams {  
        filter?: string;  
        sorting?: string;  
        skipCount?: number;  
        maxResultCount?: number;  

sizin methodunuzun degeri LookupRequestDTO o da Id ce displayName aliyor. Ben olsam componente bir method ekler

getFn({filter}:PageQueryParams) {
return this.service.getCityLookup(filter);

derdim. LookupRequestDTO , PageQueryParams a benzer degerler icersede TS cast edemiyor. zaten bize basitce filter lazim. onu da gonderirseniz calisir/

Hocam lookuprequestDTO nun icerigini paylasabilir misniz? Bir de service.getLookupCity foksiyonunun imzasini ve imzadaki typelari paylasabilir misiniz? bir type uyumsuzlugu var. olmadi seklinde fonsiyon olusturup sorunu .html den en azindan .ts e tasisak. orada daha rahat type cast yapaibliriz.

 return this.service.getCityLookup(input)

Seems that problem was related if class property was initialized with localized value. Moving instant method usage in constructor fixed this issue.

A interesting problem. I thank you for responding. The missing providers have also been added. It will be published in the next 7.0 patch. The issue was fixed. If your problem persists, please reopen it.

any update?

Let's start from scratch and check them all one by one.

  • What is your login flow in the environment flow. (There is two login flows. the resource owner's password flow and standard way. Resource owner flow login in angular UI, stantart flow is redirect to Backend or Openiddict). Could you share your enviroment (sanitized by sensitive datas)
  • Your authentication flow is Oauth2 ? What is your SSO server? Openiddict or Magento ? Who is gave token and check them?
  • Maliming, Muhammend are sent answers. What is the problem ? which step didn't fix expectation.

angular-oauth2-oidc library stores OAuth2 token/login-state internally. as ABP we only call login-logout function.

you can ready our login package.

Muhammed's answer might be solution. What is the problem in this anwer. which part didn't fit?

Showing 141 to 150 of 282 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30