Activities of "maliming"


The application service will try to get all permissions when you call the its method, it will be an infinite loop.

So do not call application service in the Define method.

You can get dynamic permissions through other ways. Sync methods are preferred.

I seach code, it seems should change from Account.cshtml in Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Theme.Basic But I donot have the commercial source code for that.

Letpon is open source for you!

abp get-source Volo.LeptonTheme 


If two instances use the same key and same ApplicationName, it is possible to call each other.


You disabled some permissions.

OK, I will investigate this.



I checked, the problem should DataProtectorTokenProvider.

You can inject the UserManager in your identity server project, then call GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync and ConfirmEmailAsync to check if the function is works.

public IdentityUserManager UserManager { get; set; }

public virtual Task<string> GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(TUser user);
public virtual async Task<IdentityResult> ConfirmEmailAsync(TUser user, string token)


Can i check it remotely?

Will it work if identity server and api are run on one instance?

Sorriy, but I could not find what you wrote about on page provided by link. Can you please send link to source of project you talking about?

If you create an app project, you will find a HttpApi.Client.ConsoleTestApp project, which will call the application service that requires authorization. It is done automatically in the ConsoleTestApp project. You can think of it as event handler or background job/work.

In a monolithic application, it will directly use application services, and in tiered or microservices, it will automatically call web api.

In short - I want CurrentUser and CurrentTenant will be provided before event handler execution

I don't fully understand, can you share some code?

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