I can remotely check it by zoom tomorrow. (UTC +8) liming.ma@volosoft.com
I hope I can reproduce your problem. So I can check and solve it.
Please provide the project or code.
hi christianharo
You can check this document to understand how to customize the pages and services in MVC.
hi ademaygun
I think override the ApplyAbpConcepts method is a good way.
Can I check it remotely?
I can share a Zoom url. liming.ma@volosoft.com
Blazor is a front-end project, you need to run the Api.Host project first(localhost:44399)
You can create a new project of version 4.0. Then compare the code.
If possible you can provide me with a project, I can download and check to it. liming.ma@volosoft.com
I have a ticket for .net conversion, should i ask this question there insstead?
Yes, Please.
cant we manually set the ispersistant to keep the cookie or prevent the session from dying?
Account.Pro module has the same code, you can always set RememberMe to true.
hi shobhit
Identity Server 4 has a lot of breaking changes, have you applied to your project?