so, I can just use the /connect/token endpoint through my app, and user can be authenticated for signup and login within the app, am I understanding that correctly?
The react native app you talked about in the answer is the one that comes with the template, right?
Yes it comes with template
and hasn't the authentication-flow used in the template?, as it opens the url in browser?
There are 2 template Open source (ABP) and Commercial (This is priv. repo)
Is password-flow handling available through abp APIs, or does it need to be customized.
Lastly you can use ADB for work with localhost instead developing with IP configuration. We'll add the steps to docs but maybe it might be confusing for you.
You can use any UI framework with ABP there is no problem, but the problem is there I think your OpenId knowledge must be missing.
Can you please share your error and solution. Is that about our mistake I'd like to fix if any error or bug exits in our project
Hi, no we don't have any sample. It's seems like you want to implement your own login. You can inspect our NgxDatatableListDirective from @abp/ng.theme.shared package and you create your own directive or you can you directly ListService with Syncfusion Angular Grid
but we don't have any sample for it.
Hİ alex,
I suggest the develop your css undepended from specific component. Instead you can create theme folder and override | create all css structure in here. We don't suggest the write specific component's css.
Hi viktor,
As far as I understand you want to
or Login with this user
option button in actions
dropdown button. Like belowIs that right ?
If it's yes, Our current authority delegation system works for CurrentUser which means if you want use authority delegation system for selected user, you need to apply your custom logic at backend. So you also need to create new proxy (DTOs and Services). So the last step is the display authority delegation modal for selected user.
Or maybe I couldn't understand your goal. Can you correct me please ?