Activities of "moinahmed"

I have multiple custom modules implemented in my project and they have their own dbcontext classes.I'm unsure about the order of execution in such cases. How the different dbcontexts gets called? What is the best practice out here? I also need to implement some filtering as described here in each dbcontext:

I have created a new entity and it's respective page, models, and app service in a separate project and then manually moved every artifact into my project. The entity listing and crud operations were working perfectly fine in the separate project where I actually generated it, however, the issue started arising when I moved all the artifacts into my main project. All looks good, except I cannot locate app service in my entity-page's index.js file. My entity name is agencyCustomer and when I go in index.js file, the code fails at: var agencyCustomerService = window.iosIdentity.pS3.agencyCustomers; The error says iosIdentity.pS3 is undefined or null, while I can see the namespace is there with the app service. I'm unsure about why the error is coming. I have made sure all the code files are moved properly with every change carefully checked, but stuck on the above error. Any idea what could have gone wrong here?

Thanks, Moin

Is there a way to extend existing system entities (IdentityUser, OrganizationUnit, IdentityRole) with an interface? I'm trying to add customer data filters through ABP EF Core's Global Query Filters system. I can easily extend my custom entities but how to do existing system entities. I read about ObjectExtensionManager to add new properties but don't know how to use (if there's a possibility) to extend with an interface?


Is there a way to override the current dbcontext and call another for an specific App Service?

I have extended the AbdDbContext and overriding CreateFilterExpression method to inject additional database filtering only for the case of IdentityUserAppService. All looks good, but I'm unsure how to route the database calls through this new Extended dbcontext, any idea?

I need to add a new Menu item in Administration > Identity Management. How can I do that?

Thanks, Moin

I'm trying to create a new entity (Department) as follows: Entity name: Department

| Name | DataType | Remarks | | ---- | -------- | ------- | | Id | Uniqueidentifier | Primary Key | | Name | NVarchar(255) | Department name | | OrganizationUnitId (FK) | UniqueIdentifier | Foreign key from OrganizationUnit entity |

How can I achieve this? Also, how to add Collection property (Departments) in OrganizationUnity entity?

Thanks, Moin


Can we share/access cache across services? I have a service that initializes the cache upon module load, but when I access the same cache into another service I always get a cache miss. I have thoroughly verified that the cache is getting initialized but items not accessible from the other service. Is this a default behavior or am I missing something? If it is something by design how can we overcome this?

Thanks, Moin


I'm new to ABP framework and need some help regarding best practices to make changes in ABP modules code. We need to extend one of the methods (specifically CreateAsync) to publish another event to Distributed event bus service, upon new user creation. We have the module ( source code; however, I'm not sure if it is a good idea to include the whole module source code into our project, instead I'm looking for the best practices on how to do that. Is there any better way to make such changes without making the whole module source code part of your project?

Thanks, Moin

I have added an object mapper in my custom module as below:

public class Auth0UsersManagementModuleAutoMapperProfile : Profile
        public Auth0UsersManagementModuleAutoMapperProfile()
            CreateMap<UserDto, UserCreateRequest>()                
              //.ForMember(dest => dest.Prop, opt => opt.Ignore())
              //.ForMember(dest => dest.Prop, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.Prop))
                .AfterMap((src, dest) => {
                    dest.Connection = "Username-Password-Authentication";

            CreateMap<UserDto, UserUpdateRequest>()
                .ForMember(dest => dest.Password, opt => opt.Ignore())
                .AfterMap((src, dest) => {
                    dest.Connection = "Username-Password-Authentication";

            CreateMap<User, UserDto>()
                .ForMember(dest => dest.Password, opt => opt.Ignore())
                .ForMember(dest => dest.Id,       opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.UserId));
            CreateMap<User, UserUpdateRequest>();

The code was working fine and now suddently have stopped working and throwing exception as: "AutoMapperMappingException: Missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping."

Really annoying to see nonderministic code behavior. I have been using AutoMapper since quite some and I'm 100% sure about the mapping is there in code, however, still no luck.


I'm adding a new field in an existing table, and want to add a lookup table for it. Lookup table will have a few text entries a user can select from. One way I can think of adding a Lookup table is to use abp suite scaffolding, however, it generates a lot more code that looks an over kill for a table like that merely being setup once and will be update probably in years. Is there any simpler way for this in abp framework?


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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13