Activities of ""

Hi maliming. thanks for the answer. CascadeDelete is an often obsolete option in database designs. It risks deleting data from many tables in the database with a single delete command. This design is giving us a huge problem right now. We manually change the modelCreationExtension file that we created with ABP Suite, but it is not sustainable. We request you to consider this issue in the suite update. thanks.

Thanks Alper

  • ABP Framework version: v4.1
  • UI type: Angular
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no
  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

Hi, We have seen that you are planning to develop dynamic form in your commercial roadmap.( Our company currently needs such a structure. Is it possible to give an approximate date or version for this development? many thanks,

Thanks your answer. I solved problem using Hangfire+ Domain level coding.

Hi support, I am developing an application using abp framework, ABP Commercial(3.2.1) framework and commercial angular client. I have ABP Background Worker running every night. This is integration worker and imported some data from another system to my applications with using my appservices.

I'm having a problem with authorization in this scenario. My worker runs without any user logins. Therefore, authorization codes on the services not allowed the worker. I think, [Authorize] tags not found any user and tenant information.

My second and related problem is about tenant field. My workers code access and write multi-tenant files but in my code tenant field has null value and i am not using tenant.

Is it possible to service level user login operations? If i successfully logged in my worker code, my two prolems will be solved but Our subscription package not include commercial module codes and i can't see the "/api/account/login" api service level identity server and account functions.

If you suggest another way to solve this problem, I'll be happy to hear that too.

Best regards,

Frameworks: Abp Framework 3.2.1. Commercial 3.2.1. UI Type:Angular Identity Server Seperated (Angular): No

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 08, 2025, 14:09