Success!!! Updated to the 3.1.0 release from today and this now works as expected. Screen Shot 2020-09-04 at 6.21.53 PM.png
I appreciate you putting up an article about this! Is the source code located somewhere for that?
I went through the steps outlined again(which mirrored the steps I have tried previously) and I end up with the same error as always 😞 Could it be my ABP Commercial version? I am running 3.0.5 on .NET Core 3.1 on macOS.
Hey all, I have been following this thread and several similar to it for a while to try and solve the issue I am having of adding a Navigation Property to a User. I must be missing something really simple because no matter what I try I cannot get it to work. I decided to start from scratch with a blank project and take a screen recording of it to upload in hopes you can point out where I am going wrong. And hopefully this helps out everyone else with the issue.
Here is the video.
Started from scratch with ABP Suite
Not seen in the video is the suggestion of removing public AppUser AppUser { get; set; } from the Notes class. I do this, but it gets added back on while generating, which makes sense. I have only ever tried creating an Entity as a FullAuditedAggregateRoot because I want all the properties and features that come along with that. But I can see the OP states that this issue still persists even with a FullAuditedEntity.